Therefore, the Rshunt resistance needs to be taken to the K level to ensure the accuracy, but when the Rshunt is taken to the K level, the zero point (2.5V) of the whole system will drift a lot, and the larger Rshunt, the greater drift.
The test found that the R5 Dummy shunt resistance given in the specification can not compensate for the whole zero drift.
测试发现,在规范中给出的R5 dummy shunt不能补偿整个零点漂移。
Only the Rshunt is less than 100 Ω, the drift is small, but the precision of the measurement is difficult to guarantee. The initial judgment is that the internal H bridge circuit has caused the impact on the Rshunt resistance and differential operation, and the differential
input impedance of the internal differential op amp is 20K.
Please help me how to ensure the accuracy range and zero drift at the same time.
可能过大的 Rshunt 导致内部驱动电路的特性变化了.你可以使用小电阻+运放来实现嘛.
不过信号比较弱了,合理选择运放, 当心运放的偏置和失调引起的影响
Kailyn Chen:
使用DRV421这个器件时,在Rshunt选择上,可以使用DRV421 System Parameter Calculator这个软件,把您的系统参数,包括工作电压,测量电流范围,参考电压,以及磁芯的参数输入进去,帮助计算输出以及会有问题检测,非常好用:www.ti.com/…/toolssoftware