你好!用汇编语言编写的程序在F2801芯片上烧录后,观察CCS3.3以下窗口,寄存器下出现:“cannot load from non-primitive location”请问这是什么原因引起的,应该如何解决?(头文件是用汇编语言写的,请问是头文件出错还是CMD文件分配地址上错误,还是其他原因?请例举纠正语句)
Eric Ma:
This message means that the expression tried to read and display data from the target where the type of the data is not a primitive type (char, short, int etc). For instance, "main" is of type "function pointer" so evaluating "*main" would be asking the debugger to display data of type "function" which doesn't make much sense and would return this error.
At least, that's what it's supposed to mean. If that doesn't make sense in your case, could you attach a small test program with the struct in question and show what evaluations incorrectly return that error message incorrectly?
你好!用汇编语言编写的程序在F2801芯片上烧录后,观察CCS3.3以下窗口,寄存器下出现:“cannot load from non-primitive location”请问这是什么原因引起的,应该如何解决?(头文件是用汇编语言写的,请问是头文件出错还是CMD文件分配地址上错误,还是其他原因?请例举纠正语句)
lizao li:
回复 Eric Ma:
你好!用汇编语言编写的程序在F2801芯片上烧录后,观察CCS3.3以下窗口,寄存器下出现:“cannot load from non-primitive location”请问这是什么原因引起的,应该如何解决?(头文件是用汇编语言写的,请问是头文件出错还是CMD文件分配地址上错误,还是其他原因?请例举纠正语句)
xin wang22:
回复 lizao li: