Kailyn Chen:
想确认下DP159的SCL_SRC和SDA_SRC是怎么连接的,是bypass,还是和source端接上? 最好把DP159的电路发过来看下。
另外,您可以参考下datasheet中的Figure 30&31的两个应用,note1 需要注意:
Note 1: For applications where the GPU or Sink does not support clock stretching the DDC lines from the GPU/DP TX should bypass the SCL_SRC and SDA_SRC but still connect to the SCL_SNK and SDA_SNK pins on the DP159.
Note that if the GPU/DP TX cannot support the 5V DDC lines from the connector, a level shifter is needed to stepdown the 5V signals to the voltage level the GPU/DP TX can support.
hao yin2:
回复 Kailyn Chen:
我用电平转换芯片TDP12s016接的DP159与HDMI接口,现在看HOT_PLUG为3.7V,scl 与 SDA一直没有数据是高电平。DP159芯片配置管脚的IIC_EN上拉,HDMI_EN下拉,其余配置管脚悬空。现在HDMI一直没显示,请问有哪些方面的原因