TPL5010 开机如果不执行喂狗操作,经过一个Tip时间就会复位CPU,如果开机执行一次喂狗操作,经过两个Tip复位CPU,请帮忙确认这个测试结果,是否正确
Jack Li:
回复 Jack Li:
Kailyn Chen:
开机初始状态请参考 Figure9的时序,另外,watchdog时序在Figure8 中也给出,如果在 T_ip时间内收到DONE脉冲,那么TPL5010会输出一个20ms的 wake up脉冲,否则的话就会输出RSTn脉冲。
RSTn is asserted (LOW) for either one of the following conditions:• 1. If the DELAY/M_RST pin is high for at least two consecutive cycles of the internal oscillator (approximately20ms).• 2. At the beginning of a new time interval if DONE is not received at least 20 ms before the next WAKE risingedge (see Figure 8)