在UCC28811应用手册中(www.ti.com.cn/…/slua701.pdf)提到:5% to 100% Analog Dimming and 0.05% to 5% PWM Dimming Design Result。以及:Dimming design specification: PWM dimming and analog dimming are provided by the external signals. However, 0 to 10 V will be converted to the 2- to 5-V analog signal through the microchip, and 1% to 100% PWM dimming signal could have the direct control of the UCC28810/11 device.
1.我想问一下,是否能直接使用PWM 2 – 5V信号代替模拟调光信号控制?
2.PWM调光是否接到芯片VSNS端口上即可(应用手册中 Figure 7. Improved Solution for the UCC28810/11 PWM Dimming)?
3.TI有没有其它30V 50W PWM调光方案?
回复 Johnsin Tao:
请问 市电输入,30V50W的方案有吗?