请教TI的工程师。用的是OMAPL138片子,编译器用的ccs V6.0;DSP生成.out文件后,如何配置.bat文件来直接用.out文件生成bin文件。我看到网上有人这么做的,写好cmd文件,然后再配置好.bat批处理程序,用DOS直接生成bin文件。希望得到指教
aisgen tool可以生成bin文件,可以到下面的bootloader文档下载http://www.ti.com/lit/zip/sprab41。
wei lu3:
回复 Shine:
回复 wei lu3:
可以写成bat批处理文件,在DOS下运行AISgen_d800k008.exe,见下面bootloader user guide里的说明。
5.3.11 Command Line UsageThe AISgen tool supports command line usage to facilitate the automation. To run AISgen from a terminalwindow, follow this procedure:1. Create a configuration file (*.cfg) using the GUI. This file will specify all parameters needed to generatean AIS file, including the input and output file names.2. Open a terminal window and navigate to the AISgen directory.3. Run AISgen with the following usage:AISgen_d800k008.exe –cfg=”<CFG filename>”This procedure allows quick generation of an updated AIS image after modifying the underlying applicationor binary input files.