我在调试proj_LAB02B时想把GPIO6 设为pwm4a 报数组出界警告
HAL_Obj *obj = (HAL_Obj *) halHandle;
我在 HAL_Obj已经改为 PWM_Handle pwmHandle[4];
typedef struct _HAL_Obj_
ADC_Handle adcHandle; //!< the ADC handle
CLK_Handle clkHandle; //!< the clock handle
CPU_Handle cpuHandle; //!< the CPU handle
FLASH_Handle flashHandle; //!< the flash handle
GPIO_Handle gpioHandle; //!< the GPIO handle
OFFSET_Handle offsetHandle_I[3]; //!< the handles for the current offset estimators
OFFSET_Obj offset_I[3]; //!< the current offset objects
OFFSET_Handle offsetHandle_V[3]; //!< the handles for the voltage offset estimators
OFFSET_Obj offset_V[3]; //!< the voltage offset objects
OSC_Handle oscHandle; //!< the oscillator handle
PIE_Handle pieHandle; //<! the PIE handleX
PLL_Handle pllHandle; //!< the PLL handle
PWM_Handle pwmHandle[4]; //<! the PWM handles
PWMDAC_Handle pwmDacHandle[4]; //<! the PWMDAC handles
Johnson Chen1:
我在调试proj_LAB02B时想把GPIO6 设为pwm4a 报数组出界警告
HAL_Obj *obj = (HAL_Obj *) halHandle;
我在 HAL_Obj已经改为 PWM_Handle pwmHandle[4];
typedef struct _HAL_Obj_
ADC_Handle adcHandle; //!< the ADC handle
CLK_Handle clkHandle; //!< the clock handle
CPU_Handle cpuHandle; //!< the CPU handle
FLASH_Handle flashHandle; //!< the flash handle
GPIO_Handle gpioHandle; //!< the GPIO handle
OFFSET_Handle offsetHandle_I[3]; //!< the handles for the current offset estimators
OFFSET_Obj offset_I[3]; //!< the current offset objects
OFFSET_Handle offsetHandle_V[3]; //!< the handles for the voltage offset estimators
OFFSET_Obj offset_V[3]; //!< the voltage offset objects
OSC_Handle oscHandle; //!< the oscillator handle
PIE_Handle pieHandle; //<! the PIE handleX
PLL_Handle pllHandle; //!< the PLL handle
PWM_Handle pwmHandle[4]; //<! the PWM handles
PWMDAC_Handle pwmDacHandle[4]; //<! the PWMDAC handles
hang shang:
回复 Johnson Chen1: