是用自己开发的板子,进行spi boot之后,断电重启下载的程序正常工作。这时试图用560v2仿真器连接芯片进行仿真,出现如下问题
在CCS5.4下,仿真器是SEED-XDC560V2Plus,用JTAG在CCS下的test connection没有问题,但是试图下载程序时,老出现错误,错误信息如下:
C66xx_0: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1143 @ 0x0) Device core was hung. The debugger has forced the device to a ready state and recovered debug control, but your application's state is now corrupt. You should have limited access to memory and registers, but you may need to reset the device to debug further. (Emulation package 5.0.569.0)
请问大家这个现象可能是哪儿的问题?需要从哪儿下手解决? 或者是spi boot尚未完全正确?
你好,在这个时候“进行spi boot之后,断电重启下载的程序正常工作。这时试图用560v2仿真器连接芯片进行仿真”,先不要下载程序,你的仿真器能成功连上板子吗?