1 mode 开关设置emif16
2 将.bin文件写入nor flash内,同时是否需要对数据的大小端转换??????????????????????
1. 大小端转换要做,因为bootloader只认小端;
2. 复位当然是在flash里执行;
3. 二次boot可以做,一般是第一段程序将第二段程序搬移到指定位置再直接跳转到指定位置上;比如下面一段代码
voidstart_boot( void){ void (*exit)(); uint32_t entry_addr;
while(1) { entry_addr = DEVICE_REG32_R(BOOT_MAGIC_ADDR(0)); if (entry_addr != 0) { /* jump to the exit point, which will be the entry point for the full IBL */ exit = (void (*)())entry_addr; (*exit)(); } platform_delay(1); }}
yang zhang9:
回复 Allen35065:
1 现在用的芯片我为6678,外接norflash,通过emif16启动
2 bin.文件内的第一个字节是否写入flash内的第一个地址上???????????依次写入.和ccs中小端操作有没有关系??????????
3 emif16启动的模式开关设置000,不知道对不对???????
4 现在将程序写入flash内并没有正确执行.在仿真下可以串口一直向外发数.
.title "Flash bootup utility" .option D,T .length 102 .width 140
BOOT_SIZE .equ 0x40000 ;bootup code size in byteFLASH_START .equ 0x70000400 ;flash start addressBOOT_START .equ 0x10800400 ;L2 sram start address
CODE_SIZE .equ 0x30000 ;application code size in byteCODE_START .equ 0x400 ;application code start address
.sect ".boot_sect" .global _boot
.ref _c_int00 _boot: MVKL BOOT_START,A4 ;ram start address ->A4 MVKH BOOT_START,A4
MVKL FLASH_START,B4 ;flash start address ->B4 MVKH FLASH_START,B4
MVKL BOOT_SIZE,A0 ;0xc000,B0 ;B6 = BOOT_SIZE -1024 MVKH BOOT_SIZE,A0 ;0xc000,B0
_wait_loop: LDH *B4++[1],B5 SUB A0,1,A0 NOP 4 STH B5,*A4++[1] [A0] B _wait_loop NOP 5 MVKL .S2 _c_int00, B0 MVKH .S2 _c_int00, B0 B .S2 B0 nop 5; ; end of the bootup routine
-c-heap 0x41000-stack 0xa000
/* Memory Map 1 – the default */MEMORY{ L1PSRAM (RWX) : org = 0x0E00000, len = 0x7FFF L1DSRAM (RWX) : org = 0x0F00000, len = 0x7FFF ISRAM : org = 0x10800000, len = 0x400 L2SRAM (RWX) : org = 0x10800400, len = 0x70000 MSMCSRAM (RWX) : org = 0xc0000000, len = 0x200000}SECTIONS{ .csl_vect > L2SRAM .boot_sect > ISRAM .text > L2SRAM GROUP (NEAR_DP) { .neardata .rodata .bss } load > L2SRAM .stack > L2SRAM .cinit > L2SRAM .cio > L2SRAM .const > L2SRAM .data > L2SRAM .switch > L2SRAM .sysmem > L2SRAM .far > L2SRAM .testMem > L2SRAM .fardata > L2SRAM platform_lib > L2SRAM}
-a-memwidth 16-boot-bootorg 0x70000400-bootsection .bootlaod 0x70000000ROMS{ ROM1: org = 0x70000000, length = 0x100000,romwidth = 16 files = { urat_test.btbl }}
norflash挂在ce2上 0x70000000递址上
yang zhang9:
回复 Allen35065:
Device Configuration 这个属性用设置吗
比如 emif16 启动模式为000
那么 Device Configuration的属性用设置吗 7 设置1 ,4 设置1
No Boot/ EMIF16 Configuration FieldsNo Boot / EMIF16 Configuration Field DescriptionsBit Field Description9-8 Reserved Reserved7 Wait Enable Extended Wait mode for EMIF16. 0 = Wait enable disabled (EMIF16 sub mode) 1 = Wait enable enabled (EMIF16 sub mode)6 Reserved Reserved5-4 Sub-Mode Sub mode selection. 0 = No boot 1 = EMIF16 boot2 -3 = Reserved3 Reserved Reserved