
c6678 镜像文件工具 疑问

请问各位技术支持及大神,hex6x.exe bconvert64x.exe b2i2c.exe b2ccs.exe romparse.exe ccs2bin.exe等工具怎么用?有相关文档吗?我看了bootloader.pdf也没看到说明,只是说用哪个哪个工具转换。



其余的工具都是用来做数据格式的转换,可以参考首页SPI boot的实例。


Utilities used to generate different table formats are listed below:• Hex6x is used to convert the application code into a boot table format.• Romparse is used to append the boot parameter to a boot table or a boot configuration table. • Bootconvert6x is used to convert the boot table derived from a little endian application code to a big endian format. This is required as the RBL assumes all the images to be in big endian mode.• B2i2c is used to convert the boot table into a i2c/spi format table. This table can be loaded into an EEPROM that is connected through I 2 C to the device.• Bootpacket is used to break the boot table into packets that can be sent from the host to the device booted in Ethernet boot mode.• Pcsendpkt is used to help the host send the packets generated by bootpacket to the boot device.

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