



[C66xx_0] SRIO test between two DSPs start……………………………………..
Enable Exception handling…
SRIO path configuration 4xLaneABCDInput port 0 next expected ackID value: 0x0
Output port 0 unacknowledged ackID: 0x0
Output port 0 next transmitted ackID value: 0x0
The output port 0 has encountered a degraded condition. The degraded port error threshold has been reached in the Port n Error Rate Threshold Register.
The output port 0 has encountered (and possibly recovered from) a transmission error. This bit is set when bit 16 is set.
The output port 0 is in the output error-stopped state.
The input port 0 has encountered (and possibly recovered from) a transmission error. This bit is set when bit 8 is set.
The input port 0 is in the input error-stopped state.
The input or output port 0 has encountered an error from which hardware was unable to recover.
Port 0 OK condition. The input and output ports are initialized, and the port is exchanging error-free control symbols with the attached device.
The port 0 detected a delineation error. The port received an unaligned /SC/ or /PD/ or undefined code-group. The capture registers do not have valid information during this error detection.
The port 0 experienced a link timeout. The port did not receive an acknowledge or link-response control symbol within the specified time-out interval. The capture registers do not have valid information during this error detection.
Type of information logged: 0 (0 – packet, 1 – control symbol)
captured error bit in the Port Error Detect Register: 31
control symbol or Bytes 0 to 3 of the packet header that correspond to the error: 0x0
Bytes 4 to 7 of the packet header that corresponds to the error: 0x0
Bytes 8 to 11 of the packet header that corresponds to the error: 0x0
Bytes 12 to 15 of the packet header that corresponds to the error: 0x0
15 8b/10b deconding error have occurred

SP[0]_ERR_STAT = 0x01010102
SP[0]_ERR_DET = 0x00000004
Corrected Error Stop Condition. SP[0]_ERR_STAT = 0x01010102


chen yi xue:


serdes ports 和lanes的关系不是特别清楚想请教你一下


例如采用2X MDOE1时即只有PORT0,PORT1工作,我可以理解是这连个PORT被当成一条LANE么?


Wei Liao:

回复 chen yi xue:



chen yi xue:

回复 Wei Liao:


我理清楚了 4个port对应四条lanes,当设置成1x 1x时使用PORT 0,1

但是当配置成2x,1x,1x时 使用的Port是0 ,2,3


我这样改的话总是卡在了 ISPORTOK部也就是 对应PORT STAT一直为0;

xinjian he:



用2个6678开发板互联SRIO, NWIRTE和NREAD命令后,DSP内存的中的数据读写都正确。

但是在自制的项目中要求6678 和Xilinx ultrascale xcku040的SRIO互联时。调试中FPGA能接收来自DSP的NWRITE命令,并且将数据写入到RAM中。当DSP使用NREAD命令时,FPGA接收到了读指令,并且返回数据,但是绝大部分概率是DSP的内存没有更新,同时DSP提示“completion code =1”,偶尔会出现DSP的内存更新,同时DSP提示“completion code =0”。


未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » 66AK2H14与K7的SRIO4x连接问题
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