
fpga virtex 5 与dsp c6678 srio 4x 通信问题

本人使用virtex 5 与dsp c6678 srio通信,fpga是从模式,一直使用的1x。现在调试4x的时候遇到问题,4x会自动变成1x通信,或者:dsp成4x,fpga也训练成4x,但是此时两者通信不了,查原因发现fpga srio ip核的 lnk_trdy_n信号不对,但lnk_rrdy_n信号正常,mode-sel正常。

希望得到高人解答。(Serial RapidIO v5.6)



DSP侧你可以先做内部环回的测试以证明DSP 4X的配置是OK的,然后再与FPGA通信。

hao zhang6:

回复 Allen35065:

Allen Yin:谢谢你,DSP 4X的配置上没有问题的,

lnk_trdy_n—Indicates 7 consecutive error free control symbols have been receivedand 15 consecutive symbols have been sent. The core is fully trained and can nowtransmit data.  (Link Transmit Ready)


hao zhang6:

回复 Allen35065:

你好,能给我发一个c6678 srio 4x    csl 的例子程序吗?非常感谢。

yimin dong:



我想请问一下,你那边fpga的程序是直接使用的ip核吗,dsp那边那个no loop模式的程序是否需要更改?


yao yao2:


moumou cheung:

回复 yao yao2:


Wei Liao:

回复 Allen35065:


        你好!这里该怎么调整DSP serdes的输出幅度呢?

hao zhang6:

回复 Wei Liao:


至于怎么调整 我想应该是调整SERDES_CFGTXn_CNTL寄存器的SWING值。

Wei Liao:

你好,谢谢回复!我现在调试66AK2H14和K7之间的SRIO,用到的IP核是SRIOgen2 v3.1,相比于SRIOv5.6有较大修改。DSP这边的程序和Keystone1的相比变化不大。我将DSP作为从端,SRIO每一个链路都能够以5Gbps的速率运行。但是我调试4x的时候,DSP这边就一直报错如下:

Enable Exception handling…SRIO path configuration 4xLaneABCD Input port 0 next expected ackID value: 0x0Output port 0 unacknowledged ackID: 0x0Output port 0 next transmitted ackID value: 0x0The output port 0 has encountered a degraded condition. The degraded port error threshold has been reached in the Port n Error Rate Threshold Register.The output port 0 has encountered (and possibly recovered from) a transmission error. This bit is set when bit 16 is set.The output port 0 is in the output error-stopped state.The input port 0 has encountered (and possibly recovered from) a transmission error. This bit is set when bit 8 is set.The input port 0 is in the input error-stopped state.The input or output port 0 has encountered an error from which hardware was unable to recover.Port 0 OK condition. The input and output ports are initialized, and the port is exchanging error-free control symbols with the attached device.The port 0 detected a delineation error. The port received an unaligned /SC/ or /PD/ or undefined code-group. The capture registers do not have valid information during this error detection.The port 0 experienced a link timeout. The port did not receive an acknowledge or link-response control symbol within the specified time-out interval. The capture registers do not have valid information during this error detection.Type of information logged: 0 (0 – packet, 1 – control symbol)captured error bit in the Port Error Detect Register: 31control symbol or Bytes 0 to 3 of the packet header that correspond to the error: 0x0Bytes 4 to 7 of the packet header that corresponds to the error: 0x0Bytes 8 to 11 of the packet header that corresponds to the error: 0x0Bytes 12 to 15 of the packet header that corresponds to the error: 0x015 8b/10b deconding error have occurred

SP[0]_ERR_STAT = 0x01010102SP[0]_ERR_DET = 0x00000004Corrected Error Stop Condition. SP[0]_ERR_STAT = 0x01010102Clearing Errors.DSP1 ready as slave for test


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