有时候用的是 .tcf文件 (DSP/BIOS Configuration tool)
有时候用的是 .cfg文件 (XGCONF , XDCscript Editor )
XDCtools versions 3.25 and higher no longer provide support for the TCF configuration files used with DSP/BIOS.DSP/BIOS 5.42 has been updated to provide its own TCF configuration support, without the need for XDCtools.
XDCtools is a separate software component provided by Texas Instruments that provides the underlying tooling needed by SYS/BIOS.
The configuration .cfg file uses simple JavaScript syntax to set properties and call methods provided by objects.The combination of JavaScript and the script objects provided by XDCtools is referred to as an XDCscript.
You can create and modify a configuration file in two different ways:
• Writing the textual .cfg file directly with a text editor or the XDCscript Editor in CCS.
• Using the visual configuration tool (XGCONF) embedded in CCS.
1、早期 DSP/BIOS 用的是 tcf文件配置;
XDCtools versions 3.25 不支持 tcf配置了,所以 DSP/BIOS 5.42开始 自己实现了tcf配置的支持,不依赖于XDCtools。
也就是说,要用 tcf配置文件,DSP/BIOS 版本比 5.42早的话,就必须用 XDCtools versions 3.25之前的版本配合。
2、SYS/BIOS 用的是 cfg文件配置;
1、什么时候用 .tcf文件,什么时候用 .cfg文件
2、SYS/BIOS 下,还可以用 tcf文件配置吗?
hongkun ma:
(*.cfg)XDC config file
(*.tcf)BIOS config file但是,2个文件好像都能够静态配置 任务啥的,能够一起使用吗?是否冲突?