
能否提供C6638 DDR3A和DDR3B的初始化函数,替代GEL文件





可以访问DDR3 PHY寄存器内,比对用函数和GEL后的差别,在偏移值0x10(PGSR0)有差别,错误的时候0x81C001FB,正确的时候是0x800000FFF;




附上错误的函数,是从GEL文件xtcievmk2x.gel 剥离的,寄存器地址宏定义完全取自这个GEL文件,

void ddr3A_32bit_DDR1333_setup() ;
void ddr3B_64bit_DDR1600_setup();

unsigned int multiplier = 19;
 unsigned int divider = 0;
 int temp;
 unsigned int OD_val = 6;
    KICK0 = 0x83E70B13;
    KICK1 = 0x95A4F1E0;
//1. Poll for IDONE=1 in the PHY General Status Register 0 (address offset 0x010).
  do {    read_val = DDR3A_PGSR0;
    } while ((read_val&0x00000001) != 0x00000001);
//4. Clocks are enabled and frequency is stable—————————————
//DDR3A PLL setup 
   GEL_TextOut ( "DDR3 PLL (PLL2) Setup … \n");
 // Set ENSAT = 1
  DDR3APLLCTL1 |= 0x00000040;
 // Put the PLL in PLL Mode   DDR3APLLCTL0 |= 0x00800000;
 // In PLL Controller, reset the PLL (bit 13 in DDR3APLLCTL1 register)  DDR3APLLCTL1 |= 0x00002000;
 // Program the necessary multipliers/dividers and BW adjustments                // Set the divider values  DDR3APLLCTL0 &= ~(0x0000003F);
        DDR3APLLCTL0 |= (divider & 0x0000003F);
 /* Step 7: Programming OD[3:0] in the SECCTL register */               DDR3APLLCTL0 &= OUTPUT_DIVIDE_MASK;  // clear the OD bit field
    DDR3APLLCTL0 |= ~OUTPUT_DIVIDE_MASK & (OD_val – 1) << OUTPUT_DIVIDE_OFFSET;  // set the OD[3:0] bit field of PLLD to OD_val   

   /* Set the Multipler values */
        DDR3APLLCTL0 &= ~(0x0007FFC0);
        DDR3APLLCTL0 |= ((multiplier << 6) & 0x0007FFC0 );
    temp = ((multiplier + 1) >> 1) – 1;
        DDR3APLLCTL0 &= ~(0xFF000000);        DDR3APLLCTL0 |= ((temp << 24) & 0xFF000000);
        DDR3APLLCTL1 &= ~(0x0000000F);
        DDR3APLLCTL1 |= ((temp >> 8) & 0x0000000F);
 //In DDR3PLLCTL1, write PLLRST = 0 to bring PLL out of reset        DDR3APLLCTL1 &= ~(0x00002000);
 // Put the PLL in PLL Mode   DDR3APLLCTL0 &= ~(0x00800000); // ReSet the Bit 23
  GEL_TextOut( "DDR3 PLL Setup complete, DDR3A clock now running at 666 MHz.\n" );
//DDR3A PLL setup complete —————————————
/*————————- Start PHY Configuration ——————————-*/

 //DDR3A_PGCR1 = 0x0280C487;
 //5.a Program FRQSEL in the PLL Control Register (address offset 0x018).
 DDR3A_PLLCR = 0x5C000; //Set FRQSEL=11, for ctl_clk between 166-275MHz
 //5.b. Program WLSTEP=1, IODDRM=1, and ZCKSEL in the PHY General Configuration Register 1 (address offset 0x00C). DDR3A_PGCR1 |= (1 << 2); //WLSTEP = 1
 DDR3A_PGCR1 |= (( 1 << 7) & IODDRM_MASK);
 DDR3A_PGCR1 |= (( 1 << 23) & ZCKSEL_MASK);
    //5.c. Program PHY Timing Parameters Register 0-4 (address offset 0x01C – 0x02C).

 DDR3A_PTR0 = 0x42C21590;
 DDR3A_PTR1 = 0xD05612C0; 
// Maintaining default values of Phy Timing Parameters Register 2 in PUB
 DDR3A_PTR3 = 0x0B4515C2;//0x072515C2; //0x0B4515C2;//0x18061A80;

 DDR3A_PTR4 = 0x0A6E08B4;//0x0AAE7100;
//5.d. Program PDQ, MPRDQ, and BYTEMASK in the DRAM Configuration Register (address offset 0x044).//  All other fields must be left at their default values.
  DDR3A_DCR &= ~(PDQ_MASK); //PDQ = 0

  DDR3A_DCR |= (( 1 << 10) & BYTEMASK_MASK);
 DDR3A_DCR |= (( 1 << 27) & NOSRA_MASK);
  //DDR3A_DCR |= (( 1 << 29) & UDIMM_MASK);
//5.e. Program DRAM Timing Parameters Register 0-2 (address offset 0x048 – 0x050).

 DDR3A_DTPR0 = 0x8558AA75;//0x85589975;//0x8558AA55;
 DDR3A_DTPR1 = 0x12857280;//0x12835A80;//0x12857280;
 DDR3A_DTPR2 = 0x5002C200;

//5.f. Program BL=0, CL, WR, and PD=1 in the Mode Register 0 (address offset 0x054).  //All other fields must be left at their default values.

DDR3A_MR0 = 0x00001A60; //50
//5.g. Program DIC, RTT, and TDQS in the Mode Register 1 (address offset 0x058).  //All other fields must be left at their default values.

DDR3A_MR1 = 0x00000006;


//5.h. Program Mode Register 2 (address offset 0x05C).
 // Maintaining default values of Program Mode Register 2
 DDR3A_MR2 = 0x00000010;

//5.i. Program DTMPR=1, DTEXD, DTEXG, RANKEN=1 or 3, and RFSHDT=7 in the Data Training Configuration Register (address offset 0x068).  //All other fields must be left at their default values.
  DDR3A_DTCR = 0x710035C7; //0x730035C7;
//5.j. Program tREFPRD=(5*tREFI/ddr_clk_period) in the PHY General Configuration Register 2 (address offset 0x08C).  //All other fields must be left at their default values.
 DDR3A_PGCR2 = 0x00F065B8; //NOBUB = 0, FXDLAT = 0  
//DDR3A_PGCR2 = 0x00F83D09; //NOBUB = 0, FXDLAT = 1 
//Set Impedence Register 
DDR3A_ZQ0CR1 = 0x0000005D;DDR3A_ZQ1CR1 = 0x0000005B;
DDR3A_ZQ2CR1 = 0x0000005B;
//DDR3A_ZQ3CR1 = 0x0000005D;
//6. Re-trigger PHY initialization in DDR PHY through the VBUSP interface.
//6.a. Program 0x00000033 to the PHY Initialization Register (address offset 0x004) to re-trigger PLL, ZCAL, and DCAL initialization.

 DDR3A_PIR = 0x00000033;
//6.b. Poll for IDONE=1 in the PHY General Status Register 0 (address offset 0x010).
     do {    read_val = DDR3A_PGSR0;
    } while ((read_val&0x00000001) != 0x00000001);


 // 7. Trigger DDR3 initialization and leveling/training in DDR PHY through the VBUSP interface.
// a. If using a 16-bit wide DDR interface, program DXEN=0 in the DATX8 2-7 General Configuration Registers (address offsets 0x240, 0x280, 0x2C0, 0x300, 0x340, and 0x380) to disable the leveling/training for the upper byte lanes.
// b. If using a 32-bit wide DDR interface, program DXEN=0 in the DATX8 4-7 General Configuration Registers (address offsets 0x2C0, 0x300, 0x340, and 0x380) to disable the leveling/training for the upper byte lanes.
// c. If ECC is not required, program DXEN=0 in the DATX8 8 General Configuration Register (address offset 0x3C0) to disable the leveling/training for the ECC byte lane.
// NOTE: Setup supports 64-bit by default,  ECC enable by default.
//7.d. Program 0x0000XF81 to the PHY Initialization Register (address offset 0x004) to trigger DDR3 initialization and leveling/training sequences  
 DDR3A_PIR = 0x0000FF81; //WLADJ – ON
  //DDR3A_PIR = 0x00000781;  //WLADJ – OFF

//7.e. Poll for IDONE=1 in the PHY General Status Register 0 (address offset 0x010).
 do {               read_val = DDR3A_PGSR0;
    } while ((read_val&0x00000001) != 0x00000001);

 /* End PHY Configuration */  
  ++++++++++++++++++SDCFG Register Calculation+++++++++++++++++++
  | 31 – 29  | 28 |27 – 25 | 24   | 23 – 22| 21 – 17 |
  |  0x011   |  0 | 0x011  | 0x1  |   0x00 |   0x0   |

  | 16-14 |13 – 12 |  11 – 8 |  7   |6 – 5 |  4  |  3  |  2  |  1 – 0  |
  |   CWL | NM     |   CL    | Rsvd |IBANK | Rsvd|EBANK| Rsvd|PAGE_SIZE|
  |  0x11 | 0x00   |  0x1110 |  0x0 | 0x11 | 0x0 |  0  |  0  |   0x10  |
  SDCFG = 0x0110 0011 0010 0010 0011 0011 1011 0010
  SDCFG = 0x6700486A;//0x63223332

  DDR_TERM = 3 (RZQ/4 = 1; RZQ/6=3)
  DDQS = 1  DYN_ODT = 0   CWL = 3 (CWL5=0; CWL6=1; CWL7=2; CWL8=3)
  NM = 0 (64-bit=0, 32-bit=1, 16-bit=2)
  CL = 14 (CL5=2; CL6=4; CL7=6; CL8=8; CL9=10; CL10=12; CL11=14)
  IBANK = 3 (8bank)
  EBANK = 0 (0 – pad_cs_o_n[0] , 1 – pad_cs_o_n[1:0])
  PAGE_SIZE = 2 (1024page-size=2; 2048page-size=3)
/* Start DDR3A EMIF Configuration */
//8. Configure the EMIF through the VBUSM interface.
//8.a. Program all EMIF MMR抯.
 DDR3A_SDCFG    = 0x62009C62; // 9A62//0x62008C62 ;//0x6600CE62=single rank,0x6600CE6A=dual rank

    DDR3A_SDTIM1   = 0x125C8044;
    DDR3A_SDTIM2   = 0x00001D29;
    DDR3A_SDTIM3   = 0x32CDFF43;
 DDR3A_SDTIM4   = 0x543F0ADF;

 DDR3A_ZQCFG    = 0x70073200;  
//8.b. Program reg_initref_dis=0 in the SDRAM Refresh Control Register (address offset 0x10).
    DDR3A_SDRFC = 0x00001457;
      GEL_TextOut("DDR3A initialization complete \n");
    /* End  DDR3A EMIF Configuration */


unsigned int multiplier = 15;
 unsigned int divider = 0;
 int temp;
 unsigned int OD_val = 4;
    KICK0 = 0x83E70B13;
    KICK1 = 0x95A4F1E0;
//1. Poll for IDONE=1 in the PHY General Status Register 0 (address offset 0x010).
  do {    read_val = DDR3B_PGSR0;
    } while ((read_val&0x00000001) != 0x00000001);
//4. Clocks are enabled and frequency is stable—————————————
//DDR3B PLL setup 
   GEL_TextOut ( "DDR3 PLL Setup … \n");
 // Set ENSAT = 1
  DDR3BPLLCTL1 |= 0x00000040;
 // Put the PLL in PLL Mode   DDR3BPLLCTL0 |= 0x00800000;
 // In PLL Controller, reset the PLL (bit 13 in DDR3BPLLCTL1 register)  DDR3BPLLCTL1 |= 0x00002000;
 // Program the necessary multipliers/dividers and BW adjustments                // Set the divider values  DDR3BPLLCTL0 &= ~(0x0000003F);
        DDR3BPLLCTL0 |= (divider & 0x0000003F);
 /* Step 7: Programming OD[3:0] in the SECCTL register */               DDR3BPLLCTL0 &= OUTPUT_DIVIDE_MASK;  // clear the OD bit field
    DDR3BPLLCTL0 |= ~OUTPUT_DIVIDE_MASK & (OD_val – 1) << OUTPUT_DIVIDE_OFFSET;  // set the OD[3:0] bit field of PLLD to OD_val    
 //DDR3BPLLCTL0 &= ~(0x00780000);
    //DDR3BPLLCTL0 |= ((OD_val << 19)& 0x00780000);

   /* Set the Multipler values */
        DDR3BPLLCTL0 &= ~(0x0007FFC0);
        DDR3BPLLCTL0 |= ((multiplier << 6) & 0x0007FFC0 );
    temp = ((multiplier + 1) >> 1) – 1;
        DDR3BPLLCTL0 &= ~(0xFF000000);        DDR3BPLLCTL0 |= ((temp << 24) & 0xFF000000);
        DDR3BPLLCTL1 &= ~(0x0000000F);
        DDR3BPLLCTL1 |= ((temp >> 8) & 0x0000000F);
 //In DDR3PLLCTL1, write PLLRST = 0 to bring PLL out of reset        DDR3BPLLCTL1 &= ~(0x00002000);
 // Put the PLL in PLL Mode   DDR3BPLLCTL0 &= ~(0x00800000); // ReSet the Bit 23
  GEL_TextOut( "DDR3 PLL Setup complete, DDR3B clock now running at 800MHz.\n" );
//DDR3B PLL setup complete —————————————
/*————————- Start PHY Configuration ——————————-*/

 //DDR3B_PGCR1 = 0x0280C487;
 //5.a Program FRQSEL in the PLL Control Register (address offset 0x018).
 DDR3B_PLLCR = 0x1C000; //Set FRQSEL=11, for ctl_clk between 166-275MHz
 //5.b. Program WLSTEP=1, IODDRM=1, and ZCKSEL in the PHY General Configuration Register 1 (address offset 0x00C). DDR3B_PGCR1 |= (1 << 2); //WLSTEP = 1
 DDR3B_PGCR1 |= (( 1 << 7) & IODDRM_MASK);
 DDR3B_PGCR1 |= (( 1 << 23) & ZCKSEL_MASK);
    //5.c. Program PHY Timing Parameters Register 0-4 (address offset 0x01C – 0x02C).

 DDR3B_PTR0 = 0x42C21590;
 DDR3B_PTR1 = 0xD05612C0; 
// Maintaining default values of Phy Timing Parameters Register 2 in PUB
 DDR3B_PTR3 = 0x0D861A80;//

 DDR3B_PTR4 = 0x0C827100;
//5.d. Program PDQ, MPRDQ, and BYTEMASK in the DRAM Configuration Register (address offset 0x044).//  All other fields must be left at their default values.
  DDR3B_DCR &= ~(PDQ_MASK); //PDQ = 0

  DDR3B_DCR |= (( 1 << 10) & BYTEMASK_MASK);
  DDR3B_DCR |= (( 1 << 27) & NOSRA_MASK);
  //DDR3B_DCR |= (( 1 << 29) & UDIMM_MASK);
//5.e. Program DRAM Timing Parameters Register 0-2 (address offset 0x048 – 0x050).

 DDR3B_DTPR0 = 0xA19DBB66;
 DDR3B_DTPR1 = 0x12868300;
 DDR3B_DTPR2 = 0x50035200;

//5.f. Program BL=0, CL, WR, and PD=1 in the Mode Register 0 (address offset 0x054).  //All other fields must be left at their default values.

DDR3B_MR0 = 0x00001C70; //-CL – 11, CWL -8
//5.g. Program DIC, RTT, and TDQS in the Mode Register 1 (address offset 0x058).  //All other fields must be left at their default values.

DDR3B_MR1 = 0x00000006;


//5.h. Program Mode Register 2 (address offset 0x05C).
 // Maintaining default values of Program Mode Register 2
 // DDR3B_MR2 = 0x00000018;
 DDR3B_MR2 = 0x00000018;

//5.i. Program DTMPR=1, DTEXD, DTEXG, RANKEN=1 or 3, and RFSHDT=7 in the Data Training Configuration Register (address offset 0x068).  //All other fields must be left at their default values.
  DDR3B_DTCR = 0x710035C7; //0x730035C7;
//5.j. Program tREFPRD=(5*tREFI/ddr_clk_period) in the PHY General Configuration Register 2 (address offset 0x08C).  //All other fields must be left at their default values.
 DDR3B_PGCR2 = 0x00F07A12; //NOBUB = 0, FXDLAT = 0  
//DDR3B_PGCR2 = 0x00F83D09; //NOBUB = 0, FXDLAT = 1 
//Set Impedence Register 
DDR3B_ZQ0CR1 = 0x0000005D;DDR3B_ZQ1CR1 = 0x0000005B;
DDR3B_ZQ2CR1 = 0x0000005B;
//DDR3B_ZQ3CR1 = 0x0000005D;

//DDR3B_DATX8_8  &= ~(ECC_MASK);

//6. Re-trigger PHY initialization in DDR PHY through the VBUSP interface.
//6.a. Program 0x00000033 to the PHY Initialization Register (address offset 0x004) to re-trigger PLL, ZCAL, and DCAL initialization.

 DDR3B_PIR = 0x00000033;
//6.b. Poll for IDONE=1 in the PHY General Status Register 0 (address offset 0x010).
     do {    read_val = DDR3B_PGSR0;
    } while ((read_val&0x00000001) != 0x00000001);


 // 7. Trigger DDR3 initialization and leveling/training in DDR PHY through the VBUSP interface.
// a. If using a 16-bit wide DDR interface, program DXEN=0 in the DATX8 2-7 General Configuration Registers (address offsets 0x240, 0x280, 0x2C0, 0x300, 0x340, and 0x380) to disable the leveling/training for the upper byte lanes.
// b. If using a 32-bit wide DDR interface, program DXEN=0 in the DATX8 4-7 General Configuration Registers (address offsets 0x2C0, 0x300, 0x340, and 0x380) to disable the leveling/training for the upper byte lanes.
// c. If ECC is not required, program DXEN=0 in the DATX8 8 General Configuration Register (address offset 0x3C0) to disable the leveling/training for the ECC byte lane.
// NOTE: Setup supports 64-bit by default,  ECC enable by default.
//7.d. Program 0x0000XF81 to the PHY Initialization Register (address offset 0x004) to trigger DDR3 initialization and leveling/training sequences  
 DDR3B_PIR = 0x0000FF81; //WLADJ – ON
  //DDR3B_PIR = 0x00000781;  //WLADJ – OFF

//7.e. Poll for IDONE=1 in the PHY General Status Register 0 (address offset 0x010).
 do {               read_val = DDR3B_PGSR0;
    } while ((read_val&0x00000001) != 0x00000001);

 /* End PHY Configuration */  
  ++++++++++++++++++SDCFG Register Calculation+++++++++++++++++++
  | 31 – 29  | 28 |27 – 25 | 24   | 23 – 22| 21 – 17 |
  |  0x011   |  0 | 0x011  | 0x1  |   0x00 |   0x0   |

  | 16-14 |13 – 12 |  11 – 8 |  7   |6 – 5 |  4  |  3  |  2  |  1 – 0  |
  |   CWL | NM     |   CL    | Rsvd |IBANK | Rsvd|EBANK| Rsvd|PAGE_SIZE|
  |  0x11 | 0x00   |  0x1110 |  0x0 | 0x11 | 0x0 |  0  |  0  |   0x10  |
  SDCFG = 0x0110 0011 0010 0010 0011 0011 1011 0010
  SDCFG = 0x6700486A;//0x63223332

  DDR_TERM = 3 (RZQ/4 = 1; RZQ/6=3)
  DDQS = 1  DYN_ODT = 0   CWL = 3 (CWL5=0; CWL6=1; CWL7=2; CWL8=3)
  NM = 0 (64-bit=0, 32-bit=1, 16-bit=2)
  CL = 14 (CL5=2; CL6=4; CL7=6; CL8=8; CL9=10; CL10=12; CL11=14)
  IBANK = 3 (8bank)
  EBANK = 0 (0 – pad_cs_o_n[0] , 1 – pad_cs_o_n[1:0])
  PAGE_SIZE = 2 (1024page-size=2; 2048page-size=3)
/* Start DDR3B EMIF Configuration */
//8. Configure the EMIF through the VBUSM interface.
//8.a. Program all EMIF MMR抯.
 DDR3B_SDCFG    = 0x6200CE62 ;//0x66004862=single rank, 0x6600486A=dual rank   CL- 11

    DDR3B_SDTIM1   = 0x16709C55;
    DDR3B_SDTIM2   = 0x00001D4A;
    DDR3B_SDTIM3   = 0x435DFF54;
 DDR3B_SDTIM4   = 0x553F0CFF;

 DDR3B_ZQCFG    = 0xF0073200;  
//8.b. Program reg_initref_dis=0 in the SDRAM Refresh Control Register (address offset 0x10).
    DDR3B_SDRFC = 0x00001869;
      GEL_TextOut("DDR3B initialization complete \n");
    /* End  DDR3B EMIF Configuration */





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