自制的两个6655的板子,主机通过srio循环向从机发送数据,发送第一组数据时显示发送成功completion code=0,从机的对应内存上收到数据且触发了doorbell中断,但是第二组以及后面发的数据从机都没收到数据 completion code=1
SRIO_path_configuration 1xlaneA
SWRITE from 0x10802200 to 0x1080a200, 312bytes, completion code =0
SRIO_path_configuration 1xlaneA
SWRITE from 0x10802200 to 0x1080a200, 312bytes, completion code =1
SRIO_path_configuration 1xlaneA
SWRITE from 0x10802200 to 0x1080a200, 312bytes, completion code =1
SRIO_path_configuration 1xlaneA
SWRITE from 0x10802200 to 0x1080a200, 312bytes, completion code =1
SRIO_path_configuration 1xlaneA
received doorbell which indicates SWRITE operation done
主机打印: SRIO_path_configuration 1xlaneA
SWRITE from 0x10802200 to 0x1080a200, 312bytes, completion code =0
SRIO_path_configuration 1xlaneA
SWRITE from 0x10802200 to 0x1080a200, 312bytes, completion code =1
SRIO_path_configuration 1xlaneA
SWRITE from 0x10802200 to 0x1080a200, 312bytes, completion code =1
SRIO_path_configuration 1xlaneA
SWRITE from 0x10802200 to 0x1080a200, 312bytes, completion code =1
SRIO_path_configuration 1xlaneA
received doorbell which indicates SWRITE operation done
回复 user4713141:
请问参考的是C6657 STK里的SRIO里程吗?内部自循环都正常吗?请看一下中断子程序前面有没有加"interrupt"关键字?
回复 Shine:
您好 是用的STK的例程,环测都是正常的 现在把数据和doorbell分两次打过去就正常了 completion code都是1 但主机那边已经停止发送了 从机依然一直进doorbell的中断服务函数 中断服务函数里每次进去以后都是清中断标志位的 不知道怎么解决 还望指点一下