
6678 main函数 通过IPC_start()后


Nancy Wang:


haotian chang:

回复 Nancy Wang:


var MultiProc = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.utils.MultiProc');


* Get the list of names that the build device supports.

* I.e. ["CORE0", "CORE1", "CORE2" … ]


//var nameList = MultiProc.getDeviceProcNames();

//MultiProc.setConfig(null, nameList);

MultiProc.setConfig(null, ["CORE0", "CORE1", "CORE2", "CORE3", "CORE4", "CORE5", "CORE6", "CORE7"]);


* The SysStd System provider is a good one to use for debugging

* but does not have the best performance. Use xdc.runtime.SysMin

* for better performance.


var System   = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.System');

var SysStd   = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.SysStd');

System.SupportProxy = SysStd;

/* Modules explicitly used in the application */

var MessageQ   = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.MessageQ');

var Ipc         = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.Ipc');

var HeapBufMP   = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.heaps.HeapBufMP');

var MultiProc   = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.utils.MultiProc');

/* BIOS/XDC modules */

var BIOS       = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.BIOS');

BIOS.heapSize   = 0xa000;

Program.stack = 0xf000;

var Task       = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.knl.Task');

var Ipc         = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.Ipc');

var ECM        = xdc.useModule ("ti.sysbios.family.c64p.EventCombiner");

var C64_Hwi = xdc.useModule ("ti.sysbios.family.c64p.Hwi");

var ti_sysbios_family_c66_tci66xx_CpIntc = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.family.c66.tci66xx.CpIntc');

ECM.eventGroupHwiNum[0] = 7;

ECM.eventGroupHwiNum[1] = 8;

ECM.eventGroupHwiNum[2] = 9;

ECM.eventGroupHwiNum[3] = 10;

//var tsk0 = Task.create('&tsk0_func');

//tsk0.instance.name = "tsk0";

/* Synchronize all processors (this will be done in Ipc_start) */

Ipc.procSync = Ipc.ProcSync_ALL;

System.SupportProxy = SysStd;

Program.sectMap[".myL1"] = {runSegment:"L1DSRAM"};

Program.sectMap[".myL2"] = {runSegment:"L2SRAM_1"};

Program.sectMap[".myMSMC"]= {runSegment:"MSMCSRAM_1"};

Program.sectMap[".myOutMem"]={runSegment: "DDR_1"};

/* Shared Memory base address and length */

//var SHAREDMEM           = 0x0C000000;

//var SHAREDMEMSIZE       = 0x00200000;

var SHAREDMEM           = 0x0C000000;

var SHAREDMEMSIZE       = 0x00100000;/*var SHAREDMEMSIZE     = 0x00200000;*/


var SharedRegion = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.SharedRegion');

SharedRegion.numEntries =8; // 最大共享区域的数目

SharedRegion.translate = true; // 是否需要进行地址转换


   { base: SHAREDMEM,


     ownerProcId: 0,

     isValid: true,

     name: "MSMCSRAM",



/* Reset function initialize HW */

var Reset = xdc.useModule("xdc.runtime.Reset");

Reset.fxns[Reset.fxns.length++] = "&vlmat_system_reset";








Int main(Int argc, Char* argv[])


HeapBufMP_Handle   heapHandle;

HeapBufMP_Params   heapBufParams;

Task_Params     params;

   /* The ROM bootloader sets the IE04 bit for IPC interrupt.

     * This needs to be cleared for IPC.


   /* Clear interrupt enable register at startup */

// IER = 0;


     //   initializeSTM();



     * Ipc_start() calls Ipc_attach() to synchronize all remote processors

     * because 'Ipc.procSync' is set to 'Ipc.ProcSync_ALL' in *.cfg


int coreId = DNUM;

printf("hello world from core %d\n", coreId);

int status = Ipc_start();

   if (status < 0) {

       //System_abort("Ipc_start failed\n");

   printf("Ipc_start failed\n");


printf("I am core %d\n", coreId);

   if (MultiProc_self() == 0) {

   printf("Is in core %d\n", coreId);





        * Create the heap that will be used to allocate messages.



       heapBufParams.regionId       = 0;

       heapBufParams.name           = HEAP_NAME;

       heapBufParams.numBlocks     = 24;

       heapBufParams.align         = 128;

       heapBufParams.blockSize     = sizeof(vlmatMessageQ_Msg);

       heapHandle = HeapBufMP_create(&heapBufParams);

       if (heapHandle == NULL) {

           //System_abort("HeapBufMP_create failed\n" );

           printf("HeapBufMP_create failed\n");


       /* Register this heap with MessageQ */

       MessageQ_registerHeap((IHeap_Handle)heapHandle, HEAPID);



   /* Generate queue names based on own proc ID and total number of procs */

   System_sprintf(localQueueName, "CORE%d", MultiProc_self());

   System_sprintf(core0QueueName, "CORE%d", 0               );

   System_sprintf(core1QueueName, "CORE%d", 1               );

   System_sprintf(core2QueueName, "CORE%d", 2              );

   System_sprintf(core3QueueName, "CORE%d", 3               );

   System_sprintf(core4QueueName, "CORE%d", 4               );

   System_sprintf(core5QueueName, "CORE%d", 5               );

   System_sprintf(core6QueueName, "CORE%d", 6              );

   System_sprintf(core7QueueName, "CORE%d", 7               );

   /* Create a unique 'master' Task if on proc 0 */


   params.stackSize = 0x2000;

   if (MultiProc_self() == 0) {

     //Task_create(tsk0_func, NULL, NULL);

       Task_create(vlmat_master, &params, NULL);


   else {

     //Task_create(tsk1_func, NULL, NULL);

       Task_create(vlmat_slave, &params, NULL);



   return (0);



Nancy Wang:

回复 haotian chang:



haotian chang:

回复 Nancy Wang:


Nancy Wang:

回复 haotian chang:


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