最近真在学习omapl138,刚拿到一块omapl138 lcdk,由于lcdk不板载仿真器,所以需要购买仿真器,由于本人学生一枚,买板子属于个人行为(学校没有款项支持),所以打算买一便宜的仿真器,所以选仿真器上出现了一定的问题,我最开始打算买xds100v2仿真器,但在有些仿真器销售的卖家得到的消息是,xds100v2不完全支持omapl138(好像dsp核可以下,arm支持不是很好),在ti的wiki上找到了一定的资料也是这个观点,所以我想来咨询一下,
问题二:ti estore上的行吗?
Q: My XDS100v2 does not work reliabily with the OMAPL138 / DM365 / ARM926 core
- A: This can be caused by a variety of issues such as where the PLL is programmed to the use of Adaptive Clocking emulator. Usually, it is seen as a problem around the PLL setup. This is because the core PLL clock is changing. Example error message:
ARM9: GEL Output: Setup PLL0... ARM9: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0x1c40900 on Page 0 of Length 0x4: 0x00000004/-2030 @ marker 1026 Error during: Register, Access to an unknown or invalid register was attempted. ARM9: GEL: Error while executing OnTargetConnect(): target access failed.
A couple of things to try:
- Setup the PLL by executing code (ex: UBoot, etc.) instead of using the GEL file. (preferred)
- Turn on adaptive clocking XDS100#Q:_How_can_I_turn_on_adaptive_clocking.3F and setup the timeouts to very slow. In this mode, it is still better to "run" the code and not "step" it.
- Make sure you have the latest CPLD version. To update the XDS100v2 CPLD, please see XDS100#Q:_How_can_I_update_the_CPLD_on_my_XDS100v2.3F
回复 noaming:
还有几个小问题,希望能得到解答,omapl138 lcdk支持什么液晶?只能支持CircuitCo ULCD7 Lite LCD,这个液晶不是太好买,再加上我不需要那么好的液晶,我只需要一般的tft液晶,请问买一般液晶有什么要求?
能否提供omapl138 lcdk的vga例程?我在starterware里面找了一下,没有找到?没有例程的话,能否提供vga的api。
回复 Denny%20Yang99373:
还有几个小问题,希望能得到解答,omapl138 lcdk支持什么液晶?只能支持CircuitCo ULCD7 Lite LCD,这个液晶不是太好买,再加上我不需要那么好的液晶,我只需要一般的tft液晶,请问买一般液晶有什么要求? 能否提供omapl138 lcdk的vga例程?我在starterware里面找了一下,没有找到?没有例程的话,能否提供vga(ths8135)的api。 谢谢。
Jack Wu3:
回复 biaoge: