我们的是使用OMAP138, ARM使用linux系统, DSP 是BIOS系统
现在想要让ARM 的linux 系统进入WFI 模式( ARM Wait-For-Interrupt Sleep Mode)
按照omap-138的datasheet 介绍
You can enable the WFI mode via the CP15 register #7 using the following instruction:
• MCR p15, #0, <Rd>, c7, c0, #4
Once the ARM module transitions into the WFI mode, it will remain in this state until an interrupt
(IRQ/FIQ) occurs.
The following sequence exemplifies how to enter the WFI mode:
• Enable any interrupt (for example, an external interrupt) that you plan to use as the wake-up
to exit from the WFI mode.
• Enable the WFI mode using the following CP15 instruction:
– MCR p15, #0, r3, c7, c0, #4
The following sequence describes the procedure to wake-up from the WFI mode:
• To wake-up from the WFI mode, trigger any enabled interrupt (for example, an external inter
• The ARM’s PC jumps to the IRQ/FIQ vector and you must handle the interrupt in an interrup
routine (ISR).
我在linux 内核态执行了语句
asm ( " MCR p15, #0, r3, c7, c0, #4\n\t" );
请问如何让arm的linux 进入WFI模式?
sz su:
回复 Shine:
请问linux 下如何进去 supervisor mode ?是在软中断中吗
sz su:
回复 Shine:
你好,我在内核定时器中执行了asm ( "MCR p15, #0, r3, c7, c0, #4\n\t" );语句,但是系统也是没什么变化的,
理论上内核定时器的执行是在软中断的,那么这条语句应该是supervisor mode 模式下执行的
static void wfi_timer_func(unsigned long arg){ printk("wfi_timer_func\n"); printk("asm start 111 \n");
asm ( " teq r3, #0\n\t"); asm ( "MCR p15, #0, r3, c7, c0, #4\n\t" ); printk("asm end111\n");
// asm ( "mcr p15, #0, r1, c7, c0, #4\n\t" );// printk("asm end222\n");
return 0; }
struct timer_list wfitimer;
static int funcIn(void) { printk("funcIn\n");// struct timer_list wfitimer; init_timer(&wfitimer); wfitimer.data = 0x1234; wfitimer.function = wfi_timer_func; wfitimer.expires = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(1000); add_timer(&wfitimer); return 0; }
static void funcOut(void) { printk("funcIn\n"); return; }
理论上内核定时器的执行是在软中断的,那么这条语句应该是supervisor mode 模式下执行的
在TI 的官网上,找到进入WFI 的示例代码,如下
int main(void){
printf("OMAPL138 is in WFI mode. Insert/Remove the SD card to generate interrupt for wakeup.\n");
/* The Local PSC number for GPIO is 3. GPIO belongs to PSC1 module.*/ PSCModuleControl(SOC_PSC_1_REGS, HW_PSC_GPIO, PSC_POWERDOMAIN_ALWAYS_ON, PSC_MDCTL_NEXT_ENABLE);
/* Pin Multiplexing of pins GP6[12], GP6[13], GP2[12], GP0[9], for LEDs in OMAPL138 LCDK board */ PinMuxSetup_leds();
/* LEDs SETUP */
/* Sets the pin 109 (GP6[12]) as output.*/ GPIODirModeSet(SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, 109, GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT);
/* Sets the pin 110 (GP6[13]) as output.*/ GPIODirModeSet(SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, 110, GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT);
/* Sets the pin 45 (GP2[12]) as output.*/ GPIODirModeSet(SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, 45, GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT);
/* Sets the pin 10 (GP0[9]) as output.*/ GPIODirModeSet(SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, 10, GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT);
/* Initializes the UART instance.*/ UARTStdioInit();
/* Pin Multiplexing of pin 0 of GPIO Bank 4.*/ GPIOBank4Pin0PinMuxSetup();
/* Sets the pin 65(GP4[0]) as input.*/ GPIODirModeSet(SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, 65, GPIO_DIR_INPUT);
/* ** Configure rising edge and falling edge triggers on pin 65 to generate ** an interrupt */ GPIOIntTypeSet(SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, 65, GPIO_INT_TYPE_BOTHEDGE);
/* Enable interrupts for Bank 4.*/ GPIOBankIntEnable(SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, 4);
/* Configuring the AINTC to handle interrupts.*/ SetupInt();
/* Configure GPIO interrupts */ ConfigureIntGPIO();
//UARTPuts("StarterWare GPIO Demo Application.\r\n", -2); //UARTPuts("Insert an MMC/SD card.\r\n", -2);
printf("StarterWare GPIO Demo Application\n"); printf("Insert an MMC/SD card.\n");
//Titus : ARM WFI code SysCfgRegistersUnlock();
asm ( " teq r1, #0\n\t");
asm ( " mcr p15, #0, r1, c7, c0, #4\n\t" );
//Here, code get stuck due to WFI and it resume when SD card interrupt raised.
//LED D5 would glow when ARM comes out of WFI mode (i.e, when interrupt generated). GPIOPinWrite(SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, 109, GPIO_PIN_HIGH);
printf("Comes out of WFI mode; Resume to normal operation.\n");
while(1) { if(flag == 1) { CheckCardStatus(); } }
以及SysCfgRegistersUnlock();和 SysCfgRegistersLock();
回复 sz su: