
About the linux usb hotplug issue on AM335X:no usb hotplug msg or event when plugin/plugout usb gadget device


there is a issue, i can't get any msg or event when plugin/plugout usb gadget device on AM335X;

and the following is some message when i plugin or plugout usb mass storage gadget device;

1. plugin the usb mass storage device in AM335X board, print the following msg:

root@am335x-evm:/media/card# [  227.138070] musb g_mass_storage gadget disconnec


[  227.894687]  gadget: high-speed config #1: Linux File-Backed Storage


2. plugout the usb mass storage device in AM335X board, on any msg is printing:

3. plugin the usb mass storage device in AM335X board again, print the following msg:

root@am335x-evm:/media/card# [  240.147903] musb g_mass_storage gadget disconnec


[  240.903177]  gadget: high-speed config #1: Linux File-Backed Storage



it seems that when plugin usb gadget devce again, it shall disconnect the usb device firstly, and then reconnect the usb device again;

so my question is how can I know whether USB gadget device has been plugged out/in?

thanks in advance!

Yaoming Qin:


yu zheng:

回复 Yaoming Qin:


Yaoming Qin:

回复 yu zheng:

能不能把全部的demsg发上来看看,另外,请问您用的是ezsdk 什么版本?在ti的板子上能重现吗

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