
Whether BBB can support boot from a 16G micro-SD

Now I'm ready to build a demo system which is Zigbee Lighting Gateway, the url is:http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/ZigBee_Lighting_Gateway.

In this website, there mentioned information below:

Create a Bootable SD card for the BeagleBone

  1. Use 7-Zip to Extract the .img file from the Ninja-Factory-.gzRecovery-20-12-2013.img file just downloaded.
  2. Use Image Writer to copy the .img file onto the micro-SD card (8GB Micro-SD card – 7.726GB minimum).

I have a 8G micro-SD,but when pluged in to PC, there's only 7.4G and this is smaller than the 7,726GB. So my problem is that if I got a 16GB micro-SD,and copy the .img into it, the BBB can Load this Image into emmc from 16GB but not 8GB micro-SD. 


Gino E:



Junjie Wu:

回复 Gino E:

你好。我昨天把那个镜像烧写进去了。但是靠近网卡的3个蓝色的LED灯仍在闪烁。我昨天在TI e2e社区发帖,有人回答说结束的时候那三个LED保持亮状态,并且不在闪烁。我昨天大概经过1个多小时,但是系统也能启动起来。今天上午我又重新烧写了下,已经过去3个小时,那3个LED灯仍在闪烁,我现在不敢断电。这是我昨天发的帖子,请过目。


Junjie Wu:

回复 Gino E:

你好。我昨天把那个镜像烧写进去了。但是靠近网卡的3个蓝色的LED灯仍在闪烁。我昨天在TI e2e社区发帖,有人回答说结束的时候那三个LED保持亮状态,并且不在闪烁。我昨天大概经过1个多小时,但是系统也能启动起来。今天上午我又重新烧写了下,已经过去3个小时,那3个LED灯仍在闪烁,我现在不敢断电。这是我昨天发的帖子,请过目。


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