



Sheldon Wang:

The same question as Lei huang2.

How to setting: Multichannel Audio Serial Port 7  as Audio I2S output master mode?

1, So far mcasp7 [mcasp7_ahclkx] setting asI2S MCLK = 20MHz, but  can not setting as 12.288MHz or 24,576MHz.

It is AM5728 chip internal colock bus limitation, right?

If it can not do this, we can add a Crystal on board.

2, If MCLK can not generate base on I2S standard format, how can setting [mcasp7_aclkx] and [mcasp7_fsx] as BCK and LRCLK as below clock.

They need meet as I2S standard as  [mcasp7_aclkx]  as BCK = 12.288MHz/64Fs or 6.144MHz/128Fs or 3.072MHz/256Fs.

And [mcasp7_fsx] as LRCLK = 192KHz or 96KHz or 48KHz.

Those are standard I2S format for audio master output.

We will driver standalone DAC, chip AD1955.

lei huang2:

回复 Sheldon Wang:

May you confirm this critical information:

1, So far mcasp7 [mcasp7_ahclkx] setting asI2S MCLK = 20MHz, but  can not setting as 12.288MHz or 24,576MHz.

lei huang2:

回复 Sheldon Wang:

1 mcasp7 [mcasp7_ahclkx]   can not setting as 12.288MHz or 24,576MHz, am I right? where  or which document can I find the information about this restriction?

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