ccs debug初始化板子失败需要擦除SPI,相关文档 已经看过但是还是不知道,有没有前辈帮帮忙?不胜感激。
JS wei:
回复 Denny%20Yang99373:
Launch Target configuration for XDS100 emulator. See " Target Configuration" section for details.
Load GEL file and execute "AM335x_EVM_Initialization" or "AM3359_ICE_Initialization" script(See "GEL File Loading" section for details), if not done.This is to initialize DDR and On-Chip RAM. GEL file can be found in $(IA_SDK_HOME)\tools\gel
Load pre-built ${IA_SDK_HOME}\tools\flashing_tools\SPI_Flash\pre_built\CCS_based\isdk_spi_flasher.out to the ICE EVM. See Launching and Debugging application section for details.
Ensure that the binary image (e.g. MLO or ethercat_SPI.bin or profibus_slave_SPI.bin) to be flashed is present in the Windows Machine.
Enter the board type when prompted as shown below.请问这几个步骤有没有具体的截图教程,本人是新手能力比较差,再次期盼您的指教。谢谢
Jian Zhou:
回复 Eggsy Pang:
JS wei:
回复 Jian Zhou:
连接没问题了。load .out文件以后出现错误提示:
第二个run的找不到。我用的是ccs 5.5.0版本。