Hi TI support,
目前有个触摸项目用到AM3352产品, 采用SPI启动,现在遇到下面两个问题,需要你帮忙支持一下。
1、XDS100V2.0仿真器 + AM3352Z芯片 + CCS 一直不能进入Debug模式,要进行Debug模式所必须的文件是哪些呢?(如:.gel文件)
看到StarterWare Guide的说明,用/tools/ti_image/产生,但是一直报一个 Error opening input image file! 错。
Eggsy Pang:
Dubug: 有没有建立xxx.ccxml文件
Liu Dong:
回复 Eggsy Pang:
现在解决了第二个问题,对于第一个问题(1、XDS100V2.0仿真器 + AM3352Z芯片 + CCS 一直不能进入Debug模式,要进行Debug模式所必须的文件是哪些呢?(如:.gel文件)),我建立了xxx.ccxml文件得。感觉还差什么文件,一直连接不上处理器。
Eggsy Pang:
回复 Liu Dong:
Jian Zhou:
回复 Eggsy Pang:
Liu Dong:
回复 Jian Zhou:
上面就是我的ccxml文件! 一直都连接不上板子,现在调程序很恼火,帮忙看看啥问题呢
Jian Zhou:
回复 Liu Dong:
Eggsy Pang:
回复 Liu Dong:
Liu Dong:
回复 Jian Zhou:
现在做的主要功能是,AM3352用的是AM335X_StarterWare_02_00_00_06 做一个串口1接收(用中断接收)和发送,现在能很好的发送,但是中断接收不了,我用PC上的串口工具发送数据给AM335X,程序就死掉了,感觉没有初始化中断向量表(void (*fnRAMVectors[NUM_INTERRUPTS])(void); 在interrupt.c中)。 调试了一天 没有发现问题,我附加了我的UART1的测序,还有CPU.c文件(是个汇编测序),希望能帮忙看看哪里不对。 谢谢!
/***\filecpu.c**\briefCPU related definitions**This file contains the API definitions for configuring CPU *//* * Copyright (C) 2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ */ /* *Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without *modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions *are met: * *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright *notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright *notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and/or other materials provided with the *distribution. * *Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of *its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived *from this software without specific prior written permission. * *THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT *LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, *SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT *LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, *DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY *THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT *(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE *OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */#include "cpu.h"/***************************************************************************** **FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ******************************************************************************/ /*** \briefThis API can be used to switch from user mode to privileged mode*The priviledge mode will be system mode. System mode will share*the same resources as user mode, but with privileges.** \paramNone.** \returnNone.** Note : All the access to system configuration which needs privileged access*can be done after calling this API.**/ void CPUSwitchToPrivilegedMode(void) {asm("SWI#458752"); }/*** \briefThis API can be used to switch from any previleged mode of ARM to*user mode. After this API is called, the program will continue*to operate in non-privileged mode, until any exception occurs.*After the exception is serviced, execution will continue in user*mode.** \paramNone.** \returnNone.** Note : All the access to system configuration which needs privileged access*shall be done before this API is called.**/ void CPUSwitchToUserMode(void) {asm("mrsr0, CPSR\n\t""bicr0, r0, #0x0F\n\t""orrr0, r0, #0x10\n\t ""msrCPSR_c, r0"); }/*** \briefThis API is called when the CPU is aborted or during execution*of any undefined instruction. Both IRQ and FIQ will be disabled*when the CPU gets an abort and calls this API.** \paramNone.** \returnNone.** Note : The user can perform error handling such as an immediate reset*inside this API if required.**/ void CPUAbortHandler(void) {;/* Perform Nothing */ }/* ** ** Wrapper function for the IRQ status ** */ __asm(".sect \".text:CPUIntStatus\"\n"".clink\n"".global CPUIntStatus\n""CPUIntStatus:\n""mrsr0, CPSR \n""andr0, r0, #0xC0\n""bxlr");/* ** ** Wrapper function for the IRQ disable function ** */ void CPUirqd(void) {/* Disable IRQ in CPSR */asm("mrsr0, CPSR\n\t""orrr0, r0, #0x80\n\t""msrCPSR_c, r0"); }/* ** ** Wrapper function for the IRQ enable function ** */ void CPUirqe(void) {/* Enable IRQ in CPSR */asm("mrsr0, CPSR\n\t""bicr0, r0, #0x80\n\t""msrCPSR_c, r0"); }/* ** ** Wrapper function for the FIQ disable function ** */ void CPUfiqd(void) {/* Disable FIQ in CPSR */asm("mrsr0, CPSR\n\t""orrr0, r0, #0x40\n\t""msrCPSR_c, r0"); }/* ** ** Wrapper function for the FIQ enable function ** */ void CPUfiqe(void) {/* Enable FIQ in CPSR */asm("mrsr0, CPSR\n\t""bicr0, r0, #0x40\n\t""msrCPSR_c, r0"); }/**************************** End Of File ************************************//** \fileuartEcho.c** \briefThis is a sample application file which invokes some APIs*from the UART/IrDA/CIR device abstraction library to perform*configuration, transmission and reception operations.*//* * Copyright (C) 2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ */ /* *Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without *modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions *are met: * *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright *notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright *notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and/or other materials provided with the *distribution. * *Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of *its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived *from this software without specific prior written permission. * *THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT *LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, *SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT *LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, *DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY *THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT *(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE *OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "hw_control_AM335x.h" #include "uart_irda_cir.h" #include "soc_AM335x.h" #include "interrupt.h" #include "uartStdio.h" #include "beaglebone.h" #include "hw_cm_wkup.h" #include "hw_cm_per.h" #include "hw_types.h"/****************************************************************************** **INTERNAL MACRO DEFINITIONS ******************************************************************************/ #define UART_MODULE_INPUT_CLK(48000000)/****************************************************************************** **INTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ******************************************************************************/ static void UartInterruptEnable(void); static void UART1AINTCConfigure(void); static void UartFIFOConfigure(unsigned int baseAdd); static void UartBaudRateSet(unsigned int baseAdd,unsigned int baudRate); static void UARTIsr(void);/****************************************************************************** **GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS ******************************************************************************/ unsigned char txArray[] = "StarterWare AM335X UART Interrupt application\r\n";/****************************************************************************** **FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ******************************************************************************/ /*** \briefThis function selects the UART pins for use. The UART pins*are multiplexed with pins of other peripherals in the SoC** \paraminstanceNumThe instance number of the UART to be used.** \returnNone.** \noteThis pin multiplexing depends on the profile in which the EVM*is configured.*/ void UART1PinMuxSetup(unsigned int instanceNum) {if(1 == instanceNum){/* RXD */HWREG(SOC_CONTROL_REGS + CONTROL_CONF_UART_RXD(1)) =(CONTROL_CONF_UART1_RXD_CONF_UART1_RXD_PUTYPESEL |CONTROL_CONF_UART1_RXD_CONF_UART1_RXD_RXACTIVE);/* TXD */HWREG(SOC_CONTROL_REGS + CONTROL_CONF_UART_TXD(1)) =CONTROL_CONF_UART1_TXD_CONF_UART1_TXD_PUTYPESEL;} } void UART1ModuleClkConfig(void) {/* Configuring L3 Interface Clocks. *//* Writing to MODULEMODE field of CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL register. */HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL) |=CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE;/* Waiting for MODULEMODE field to reflect the written value. */while(CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE !=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL) &CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE));/* Writing to MODULEMODE field of CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL register. */HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL) |=CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE;/* Waiting for MODULEMODE field to reflect the written value. */while(CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE !=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL) &CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE));/* Writing to CLKTRCTRL field of CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL register. */HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL) |=CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL_CLKTRCTRL_SW_WKUP;/* Waiting for CLKTRCTRL field to reflect the written value. */while(CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL_CLKTRCTRL_SW_WKUP !=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL) &CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL_CLKTRCTRL));/* Writing to CLKTRCTRL field of CM_PER_OCPWP_L3_CLKSTCTRL register. */HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_OCPWP_L3_CLKSTCTRL) |=CM_PER_OCPWP_L3_CLKSTCTRL_CLKTRCTRL_SW_WKUP;/*Waiting for CLKTRCTRL field to reflect the written value. */while(CM_PER_OCPWP_L3_CLKSTCTRL_CLKTRCTRL_SW_WKUP !=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_OCPWP_L3_CLKSTCTRL) &CM_PER_OCPWP_L3_CLKSTCTRL_CLKTRCTRL));/* Writing to CLKTRCTRL field of CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL register. */HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL) |=CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL_CLKTRCTRL_SW_WKUP;/*Waiting for CLKTRCTRL field to reflect the written value. */while(CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL_CLKTRCTRL_SW_WKUP !=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL) &CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL_CLKTRCTRL));//2017.3.27zhaoHWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_UART1_CLKCTRL) |=CM_PER_UART1_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE;while(CM_PER_UART1_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE_ENABLE !=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_UART1_CLKCTRL) &CM_PER_UART1_CLKCTRL_MODULEMODE));/* Checking fields for necessary values.*//* Waiting for IDLEST field in CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL register to be set to 0x0. */while((CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL_IDLEST_FUNC << CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL_IDLEST_SHIFT)!=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL) &CM_PER_L3_CLKCTRL_IDLEST));/*** Waiting for IDLEST field in CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL register to attain the** desired value.*/while((CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL_IDLEST_FUNC <<CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL_IDLEST_SHIFT)!=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL) &CM_PER_L3_INSTR_CLKCTRL_IDLEST));/*** Waiting for CLKACTIVITY_L3_GCLK field in CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL register to** attain the desired value.*/while(CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_L3_GCLK !=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL) &CM_PER_L3_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_L3_GCLK));/*** Waiting for CLKACTIVITY_OCPWP_L3_GCLK field in CM_PER_OCPWP_L3_CLKSTCTRL** register to attain the desired value.*/while(CM_PER_OCPWP_L3_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_OCPWP_L3_GCLK !=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_OCPWP_L3_CLKSTCTRL) &CM_PER_OCPWP_L3_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_OCPWP_L3_GCLK));/*** Waiting for CLKACTIVITY_L3S_GCLK field in CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL register** to attain the desired value.*/while(CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_L3S_GCLK !=(HWREG(SOC_CM_PER_REGS + CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL) &CM_PER_L3S_CLKSTCTRL_CLKACTIVITY_L3S_GCLK));///* Configuring registers related to Wake-Up region. */ } void UARTInit(unsigned int baseAdd,unsigned int baudRate) {/* Configuring the system clocks for UART1 instance. */UART1ModuleClkConfig();/* Performing the Pin Multiplexing for UART1 instance. */UART1PinMuxSetup(1);/* Performing a module reset. */UARTModuleReset(baseAdd);/* Performing FIFO configurations. */UartFIFOConfigure(baseAdd);/* Performing Baud Rate settings. */UartBaudRateSet(baseAdd,baudRate);/* Switching to Configuration Mode B. */UARTRegConfigModeEnable(baseAdd, UART_REG_CONFIG_MODE_B);/* Programming the Line Characteristics. */UARTLineCharacConfig(baseAdd,(UART_FRAME_WORD_LENGTH_8 | UART_FRAME_NUM_STB_1),UART_PARITY_NONE);/* Disabling write access to Divisor Latches. */UARTDivisorLatchDisable(baseAdd);/* Disabling Break Control. */UARTBreakCtl(baseAdd, UART_BREAK_COND_DISABLE);/* Switching to UART16x operating mode. */UARTOperatingModeSelect(baseAdd, UART16x_OPER_MODE);UARTCharPut(SOC_UART_1_REGS,'J');/* Performing Interrupt configurations. */UartInterruptEnable();UARTCharPut(SOC_UART_1_REGS,'E'); } /* ** A wrapper function performing Interrupt configurations. */ static void UartInterruptEnable(void) {/* Enabling IRQ in CPSR of ARM processor. */IntMasterIRQEnable();/* Configuring AINTC to receive UART0 interrupts. */UART1AINTCConfigure();/* Enabling the specified UART interrupts. */UARTIntEnable(SOC_UART_1_REGS, (UART_INT_LINE_STAT |UART_INT_RHR_CTI)); } /* ** A wrapper function performing FIFO configurations. */static void UartFIFOConfigure(unsigned int baseAdd) {unsigned int fifoConfig = 0;//Setting the TX and RX FIFO Trigger levels as 1. No DMA enabled.fifoConfig = UART_FIFO_CONFIG(UART_TRIG_LVL_GRANULARITY_1,UART_TRIG_LVL_GRANULARITY_1,1,1,1,1,UART_DMA_EN_PATH_SCR,UART_DMA_MODE_1_ENABLE);// Configuring the FIFO settings.UARTFIFOConfig(baseAdd, fifoConfig); } /* ** A wrapper function performing Baud Rate settings. */static void UartBaudRateSet(unsigned int baseAdd,unsigned int baudRate) {unsigned int divisorValue = 0;/* Computing the Divisor Value. */divisorValue = UARTDivisorValCompute(UART_MODULE_INPUT_CLK,baudRate,UART16x_OPER_MODE,UART_MIR_OVERSAMPLING_RATE_42);/* Programming the Divisor Latches. */UARTDivisorLatchWrite(baseAdd, divisorValue); } /* ** Interrupt Service Routine for UART. */ static void UARTIsr(void) {static unsigned int txStrLength = sizeof(txArray);static unsigned int count = 0;unsigned char rxByte = 0;unsigned int intId = 0;/* Checking ths source of UART interrupt. */intId = UARTIntIdentityGet(SOC_UART_1_REGS);switch(intId){case UART_INTID_TX_THRES_REACH:if(0 != txStrLength){UARTCharPut(SOC_UART_1_REGS, txArray[count]);txStrLength--;count++;}else{/* Disabling the THR interrupt. */UARTIntDisable(SOC_UART_1_REGS, UART_INT_THR);}break;case UART_INTID_RX_THRES_REACH:rxByte = UARTCharGetNonBlocking(SOC_UART_1_REGS);UARTCharPutNonBlocking(SOC_UART_1_REGS, rxByte);break;case UART_INTID_RX_LINE_STAT_ERROR:case UART_INTID_CHAR_TIMEOUT:rxByte = UARTCharGetNonBlocking(SOC_UART_1_REGS);break;default:break;} } /* ** This function configures the AINTC to receive UART interrupts. */static void UART1AINTCConfigure(void) {/* Initializing the ARM Interrupt Controller. */IntAINTCInit();/* Registering the Interrupt Service Routine(ISR). */IntRegister(SYS_INT_UART1INT, UARTIsr);/* Setting the priority for the system interrupt in AINTC. */IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_UART1INT, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ);/* Enabling the system interrupt in AINTC. */IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_UART1INT); }/******************************* End of file *********************************/
Steven Liu1:
第二个问题,_ti.bin只是在bin文件的基础上加了一个头,这个头内包含了loading的地址和当前的image的长度信息,这个是放在SD卡中进行启动或者app load的image。产生方法是用这个ti_image,但你在使用的时候要注意,bootloader和app的产生方式不一样的,是否有配置错命令?参考:
PS: 一般来说,编我们的例程的话,我们在post build的相关设置中会自动调用相关的命令,生成_ti.bin的文件,直接用那个也可以。