我在 http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/AM335x_Flash_Tool_User%27s_Guide 上下载 AM335x Flash Tool
按照 AM335x Flash Image Builder User's Guide 中指导
Step 1: Download and Install AM335x Flash Image Builder
The AM335x Flash Image Builder is part of the FLASHTOOL-AM335x software tool that is available at http://www.ti.com/tool/flashtool. Click the "Get Software" button next to FLASHTOOL-AM335x and it will take you to a download page containing two installation programs. The flash image builder program is intended for the software developer to create a flash archive file containing all required restore-flash U-Boot/SPL images, and images to program into flash memory. The flash archive file can then be sent to the production facility where it becomes the input file for the flash programmer program. The flash programmer program is used to program binary images into flash memory on AM335x system boards using a Ubuntu Linux host computer.
am335x-flash-image-builder-01.xx.yy.zz-Linux-x86-Install 和 am335x-flash-programmer-01.xx.yy.zz-Linux-x86-Install
但是在给出的链接里没有这两个文件下载 ,只能下到一个 Flash_Tool_01_06_00_00.zip ,这个里面也没有说明中提到的两个文件。
请问 ,
am335x-flash-image-builder-01.xx.yy.zz-Linux-x86-Install 和 am335x-flash-programmer-01.xx.yy.zz-Linux-x86-Install 这两个东西在哪里下载。
Gary Wu:
weilong chen:
回复 Gary Wu:
dear Gary,
那这个什么时候能 release 呢? 10月之前能 release 么 ?
weilong chen:
回复 Gary Wu:
Dear Gary,
好的, 感谢!
Lihua Zhu:
回复 Gary Wu:
yongqing wang:
回复 Lihua Zhu:
Lihua Zhu:
回复 yongqing wang: