参考下面的链接,在ubuntu服务器上建立nfs server。
Installing a NFS Server
The network file-system (NFS) server allows other machines on the same network to mount a file-system exported by the NFS server over a network connection. To install a NFS server, in a terminal shell, execute the following command.
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-serverThe directories that are exported by the NFS server and can be mounted by other machines on the same network are listed in the file “/etc/exports.” By default no directories are exported. If a user “joe” wished created a directory called “nfs-export” in his home directory and wished to export this using the NFS server so that other machines could mounted this directory and access the contents, the following could be added to the “/etc/exports” file.
/home/joe/nfs-export *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)The option “rw” permits read and write accesses to this directory when mounted as an NFS volume as long as the user mounting the directory has the appropriate file-level permissions within the directory itself. The option “sync” prevents the NFS server from responding to external accesses until local accesses have been completed. There are many other options that can be used in addition to these and it is recommended that the man page for “exports” is read for more details.
If you are exporting a file system for target hardware to root mount, you likely need to allow root access to your exported host file system. This is a security issue in some environments. The symptom that indicates you need to allow root access is you are asked for a password when logging into the target hardware as root, and no password is set.
/home/joe/nfs-export *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)The NFS server does not monitor changes to the “/etc/exports” file and so after modifying the file it is necessary to force the NFS server to export all the directories listed in the file “/etc/exports.” To force the NFS server to export all the directories listed in the file “/etc/exports,” execute the following command in a terminal shell.
sudo /usr/sbin/exportfs -va
Tuff Li:
回复 Louis:
Bingyu Zhu:
回复 Louis:
我现在是从sd卡启动,取消自动启动后,进入bootloader,设置好bootargs后要保存参数时,显示erase nand flash…之后就没反应了,不知应该怎样解决
Bingyu Zhu:
回复 Louis:
我现在是从sd卡启动,取消自动启动后,进入bootloader,设置好bootargs后要保存参数时,显示erase nand flash…之后就没反应了,不知应该怎样解决