dear all,
請問一下 3 3 400 2500 的數字各代表的意義是? 數字的大小又代表什麼?
./bin/sys_pri.out –L3-bw-reg-set ISS 3 3 400 2500&
[host] Valid values for "L3-pressure-High" are, 0, 1, 3 (0 is lowest priority)
[host] Valid values for "L3-pressure-Low" are, 0, 1, 3 (0 is lowest priority)
[host] Valid values for "L3-Bandwidth" (in MB/s) are, 0..8191
[host] Valid values for "L3-Watermark" (in cycles) are, 0..4095
Eason Wang:
When running the command without the parameters followed, it should print how to use this command. Then there is the explanation.
chen zihsian:
回复 Eason Wang:
Dear Eason Wang,
我不太懂你的意思, 可以更詳細點?