TI 大牛工程师们好,大家好,
疑问1:在sprufk5a中,如下图所示,有4个框图,每个框表示L1P RAM/cache 32KB,这个图示,难道为了说明L1P RAM/cache有块,每块L1P RAM/cache 32KB吗?同理L2 RAM和ROM。
疑问2:In sprufk5,L1P memory supports up to 1 MB of RAM and ROM. This memory is divided up into two regions. Each region may be no larger than 512KB. Region 0 may be 0K bytes (disabled) or any power-of-2 size in the 16K to 512K range.The size of region 1 must be less than or equal to the size of region 0, when region 0 is enabled.问题是,怎么配置L1P memory各个region的大小?因为region1 的大小影响L1P cache大小。
pei qin
Chris Meng:
Pei Qin,
32KB of L1P RAM/Cache With EDC
32KB of L1D RAM/Cache
pei qin:
回复 Chris Meng:
Chris Meng,
我的另一个问题就是,怎么配置L1P memory各个region的大小?因为region1 的大小影响L1P cache大小。或者怎么知道当前L1P memory region0 和region1的大小呢?
pei qin