
AER version 17.0.0 在 DM8168 平台的实际测试结果

最近在评估 AER 应用中DM8168 平台,按照 AER_Installation_Verification.pdf 仅仅更换了自己的数据,使用默认的aersimcfg.txt 配置,打印如下。测试源数据和输出结果在附件“out.zip”中。



3.还有我使用 DCR 仿真的输出是正确的,请问 A8 版本的 AER 是否存在大小端数据的区别?

root@dm816x:~/root/aertest/lnkr/gcarmv7a# ./aertest_cortexA8.xv7A
Initialize simulation environment.
Read simulation configuration parameters.
Configure simulation based on configuration file.
Create one or more AER instances.
AER required buffers for hand set/head set :
Buffer Size(twords) Alignment Volatile address
0 848 3 no 0x0
1 2056 5 yes 0x0
2 1030 3 no 0x0
3 1030 3 no 0x0
4 1028 3 no 0x0
5 1280 3 no 0x0
6 2056 3 no 0x0
7 192 3 no 0x0
8 1030 5 yes 0x0
9 3084 5 yes 0x0
10 66 3 no 0x0
11 66 3 no 0x0
12 0 3 no 0x0
13 0 3 yes 0x0
14 0 3 no 0x0
15 0 3 no 0x0
16 0 3 no 0x0
17 0 3 no 0x0
18 0 3 no 0x0
19 320 3 no 0x0
20 640 3 no 0x0
Buffers allocated by SIU for hand set/head set AER:
Buffer Size(twords) Alignment Volatile address
0 856 3 no 0x49a10
1 2056 5 yes 0x488c0
2 3090 3 no 0x5ac10
3 19570 3 no 0x55978
4 1032 3 no 0x5a5f0
5 1280 3 no 0x483b0
6 2056 3 no 0x49208
7 192 3 no 0x55738
8 10300 5 yes 0x5b840
9 3084 5 yes 0x473c0
10 72 3 no 0x5ab38
11 66 3 no 0x5f358
12 1 3 no 0x483a8
13 320 3 yes 0x51da8
14 0 3 no 0x0
15 8 3 no 0x5f340
16 264 3 no 0x48090
17 1224 3 no 0x52c30
18 1296 3 no 0x546c8
19 320 3 no 0x5f200
20 640 3 no 0x49d68
AER required buffers for hands free:
Buffer Size(twords) Alignment Volatile address
0 848 3 no 0x0
1 2056 5 yes 0x0
2 10300 3 no 0x0
3 19570 3 no 0x0
4 1028 3 no 0x0
5 1280 3 no 0x0
6 2056 3 no 0x0
7 192 3 no 0x0
8 10300 5 yes 0x0
9 3084 5 yes 0x0
10 66 3 no 0x0
11 66 3 no 0x0
12 0 3 no 0x0
13 320 3 yes 0x0
14 0 3 no 0x0
15 0 3 no 0x0
16 258 3 no 0x0
17 1218 3 no 0x0
18 1290 3 no 0x0
19 320 3 no 0x0
20 640 3 no 0x0
Buffers allocated by SIU for hands-free AER:
Buffer Size(twords) Alignment Volatile address
0 856 3 no 0x53c08
1 2056 5 yes 0x488c0
2 10304 3 no 0x4a4e8
3 19570 3 no 0x55978
4 1032 3 no 0x51ee8
5 1280 3 no 0x483b0
6 2056 3 no 0x49208
7 192 3 no 0x55738
8 10300 5 yes 0x5b840
9 3084 5 yes 0x473c0
10 72 3 no 0x5ab38
11 66 3 no 0x5f358
12 1 3 no 0x483a8
13 320 3 yes 0x51da8
14 0 3 no 0x0
15 8 3 no 0x5f340
16 264 3 no 0x48090
17 1224 3 no 0x52c30
18 1296 3 no 0x546c8
19 320 3 no 0x5f200
20 640 3 no 0x49d68
AGC required buffers:
Buffer Size(twords) Alignment Volatile address
0 116 3 no 0x0
Buffers allocated by SIU for AGC:
Buffer Size(twords) Alignment Volatile address
0 128 3 no 0x47fd0
DRC required buffers:
Buffer Size(twords) Alignment Volatile address
0 148 3 no 0x0
1 1280 2 yes 0x0
2 64 1 no 0x0
3 300 1 no 0x0
4 20 3 no 0x0
Buffers allocated by SIU for DRC:
Buffer Size(twords) Alignment Volatile address
0 148 3 no 0x54610
1 2056 5 yes 0x488c0
2 64 1 no 0x48050
3 300 1 no 0x52b00
4 20 3 no 0x546b0
MSS required buffers:
Buffer Size(twords) Alignment Volatile address
0 160 3 no 0x0
Buffers allocated by SIU for MSS:
Buffer Size(twords) Alignment Volatile address
0 320 3 no 0x44ac8
Initialize near end and far end signal generators.
Initialize the Acoustic Echo Path (AEP) simulator.
Open simulation input and output files.
Configure AER, DRC, AGC and BF parameters.
Start data processing…
End of far end input file reached!
AER version:
AER simulation finished.

Chris Meng:




vivian MO:

回复 Chris Meng:

      TI 的 AER 有两个版本,我之前使用的是硬件浮点版本,编译不过,而且编译好的 bin 文件也不能在板子上运行。然后我又尝试了软件浮点的版本,在 DVRDK 3.0 环境下可以正常编译通过了。

     请问可否提供一些用于测试 AER 的测试源呢,软件包中的测试源太简单了,说明不了问题呀。

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