dm6467t, CCS3.3,seed-xds560plus的仿真器,仿真器能连上arm核,dsp核连不上,报的错如下:
“Error connecting to the target: Error 0x80001240/-121 Fatal Error during: Initialization, OCS, Target, This error was generated by TI's USCIF driver. SC_ERR_CMD_HANDLE <-121> A bad controller handle has been given to a function, either before attempting to open the controller, or after having opened the controller and ignored its error status. Valid controller handles are generated when attempts to open the controller return a clean error status. ”
可能是什么原因呢 求助各位大侠了
zhi wang11:
回复 Shine:
我在arm端加载gel,connect,然后在arm端执行DSP_Boot_from_L2_ram( ),接下来连接C6400PLUS0,是这样吗?
Error connecting to the target:Error 0x80001240/-1145Fatal Error during: Initialization, OCS, Target, PTI_ERR_TRG_EXEC_MODE Error Occured at 0x00000000