proj_Lab20 调用的程序模块:
void CTRL_setup_user(CTRL_Handle handle,
const _iq angle_pu,
const _iq speed_ref_pu,
const _iq speed_fb_pu,
const _iq speed_outMax_pu,
const MATH_vec2 *pIdq_offset_pu,
const MATH_vec2 *pVdq_offset_pu,
const bool flag_enableSpeedCtrl,
const bool flag_enableCurrentCtrl)
proj_Lab20 调用的程序模块:
void CTRL_setup_user(CTRL_Handle handle,
const _iq angle_pu,
const _iq speed_ref_pu,
const _iq speed_fb_pu,
const _iq speed_outMax_pu,
const MATH_vec2 *pIdq_offset_pu,
const MATH_vec2 *pVdq_offset_pu,
const bool flag_enableSpeedCtrl,
const bool flag_enableCurrentCtrl)
min zhou2:
回复 Linda:
void CTRL_setup_user(CTRL_Handle handle, const _iq angle_pu, const _iq speed_ref_pu, const _iq speed_fb_pu, const _iq speed_outMax_pu, const MATH_vec2 *pIdq_offset_pu, const MATH_vec2 *pVdq_offset_pu, const bool flag_enableSpeedCtrl, const bool flag_enableCurrentCtrl){ CTRL_State_e ctrlState = CTRL_getState(handle); uint_least16_t count_traj = CTRL_getCount_traj(handle); //上一次的 counter_traj uint_least16_t numCtrlTicksPerTrajTick = CTRL_getNumCtrlTicksPerTrajTick(handle);
// increment the state counter CTRL_incrCounter_state(handle);
// increment the trajectory count CTRL_incrCounter_traj(handle); //更新 counter_traj
// run the appropriate controller if(ctrlState == CTRL_State_OnLine) { // increment the current count CTRL_incrCounter_current(handle);
// increment the speed count CTRL_incrCounter_speed(handle); }
// as needed, update the trajectory if(count_traj >= numCtrlTicksPerTrajTick) //count_traj 在这儿是上一次的值,而不是现在的值,从其他例程也可以证明这儿用得不对。 { // reset the trajectory count CTRL_resetCounter_traj(handle);
// run the trajectories CTRL_runTraj(handle); } // end of if(gFlag_traj) block
CTRL_setAngle_pu(handle,angle_pu); CTRL_setSpeed_ref_pu(handle,speed_ref_pu); CTRL_setSpeed_fb_pu(handle,speed_fb_pu); CTRL_setSpeed_outMax_pu(handle,speed_outMax_pu);
CTRL_setIdq_offset_pu(handle,pIdq_offset_pu); CTRL_setVdq_offset_pu(handle,pVdq_offset_pu);
CTRL_setFlag_enableSpeedCtrl(handle,flag_enableSpeedCtrl); //设置控制器是否嵌入速度控制器 CTRL_setFlag_enableCurrentCtrl(handle,flag_enableCurrentCtrl);//是否嵌入电流控制器
return;} // end of CTRL_setup_user() function
proj_Lab20 调用的程序模块:
void CTRL_setup_user(CTRL_Handle handle,
const _iq angle_pu,
const _iq speed_ref_pu,
const _iq speed_fb_pu,
const _iq speed_outMax_pu,
const MATH_vec2 *pIdq_offset_pu,
const MATH_vec2 *pVdq_offset_pu,
const bool flag_enableSpeedCtrl,
const bool flag_enableCurrentCtrl)
Seven Han:
回复 min zhou2:
proj_Lab20 调用的程序模块:
void CTRL_setup_user(CTRL_Handle handle,
const _iq angle_pu,
const _iq speed_ref_pu,
const _iq speed_fb_pu,
const _iq speed_outMax_pu,
const MATH_vec2 *pIdq_offset_pu,
const MATH_vec2 *pVdq_offset_pu,
const bool flag_enableSpeedCtrl,
const bool flag_enableCurrentCtrl)
min zhou2:
回复 Seven Han:
proj_Lab20 调用的程序模块:
void CTRL_setup_user(CTRL_Handle handle,
const _iq angle_pu,
const _iq speed_ref_pu,
const _iq speed_fb_pu,
const _iq speed_outMax_pu,
const MATH_vec2 *pIdq_offset_pu,
const MATH_vec2 *pVdq_offset_pu,
const bool flag_enableSpeedCtrl,
const bool flag_enableCurrentCtrl)
min zhou2:
回复 min zhou2:
顺便问一个问题:TI 有通过RS在线校正值计算电机绕组温度的公式或程序模块吗?