Advisory: Memory: Possible Incorrect Operation of XINTF Module After Power Up
Revision(s) Affected 0, A
Details :The XINTF module may not get reset properly upon power up. When this happens, accesses to XINTF addresses may cause the CPU to hang. This issue occurs only upon power up. It does not happen for other resets such as a reset initiated by the watchdog or an external (warm) reset using the XRS pin.
Workaround(s): After coming out of reset, software should force a watchdog (WD) reset if WDFLAG = 0 in the WDCR register. WDFLAG = 0 implies that an external reset occurred, for example, a power-on reset. After exiting the WD reset, WDFLAG will be 1. In this case, software should clear the WDFLAG bit before continuing normal code execution. This issue affects only the XINTF module.