
tms320c5517 sdram 问题。

我们 c5517 需要使用sdram. 在手册中描述如下,moblie sdram 1.8v ,sysclk 只能等于100MHZ,使用非 moblie sdram ,3.3v or 2.75V 是否支持?手册上描述初始化使用moblie sdram 方式。


也支持non mobile SDRAM。数据手册有下面的note:

Note: The device can support non-mobile SDRAM under certain circumstances. The device also always uses mobile SDRAM initialization, but it is able to support SDRAM memories that ignore the BA0 and BA1 pins for the 'load mode register' command. During the mobile SDRAM initialization, the device issues the 'load mode register' initialization command to two different addresses that differ in only the BA0 and BA1 address bits. These registers are the Extended Mode register and the Mode register. The Extended mode register exists only in mSDRAM and not in non-mSDRAM. If a non-mobile SDRAM memory ignores bits BA0 and BA1, the second loaded register value overwrites the first, leaving the desired value in the Mode register and the non-mobile SDRAM will work with the device.

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回复 Shine:


1. 是否支持普通sdram,如micron的MT48LC16M16,让MT48LC16M16工作在100M,而系统时钟工作在200M?

2. 5517手册上说mobile sdram只能最高工作在50M,是这样吗?但我在手册上同时看到如下描述:

如果mobile sdram也可以工作在100M,且系统时钟可以到200M,我们就不需要选用普通sdram了。


回复 user5620804:


1. 如果CVDD = 1.3 V or 1.4 V, and DVDDEMIF = 3.3 V or 2.75 V, 可以支持100MHz。

2. 如果DVDDEMIF是1.8v供电,只能支持到50MHz。TI 诚邀您参加全新设计的产品页面测试,参加测试即可享有 TI 购物 9 折优惠码,点击加入 EP产品页面测试报名,名额有限。感谢您的参与!

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