
谁可以给我IAR 8.30的下载地址(要破解版的)





xw peng:

回复 Yan:

Building configuration: bloodpressure – CC2540DK-MINI Keyfob Slave Updating build tree… BloodPressure_Main.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler OSAL.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler OSAL_BloodPressure.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler OSAL_ClockBLE.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler OSAL_Memory.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler OSAL_PwrMgr.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler OSAL_Timers.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler OnBoard.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler bloodPressure.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler bpservice.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler devinfoservice.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler gap.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler gapbondmgr.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler gatt_uuid.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_adc.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_aes.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_dma.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_drivers.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_flash.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_key.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_lcd.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_led.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_sleep.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_startup.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_timer.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler hal_uart.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler npi.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler osal_bufmgr.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler osal_cbtimer.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler osal_snv.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02] Error while running C/C++ Compiler peripheral.c  Fatal Error[LMS001]: License check failed. Use the IAR License Manager to resolve the problem.  No license found. [LicenseCheck:, RMS:, Feature:8051.EW.COMPILER, Version:1.02]

xw peng:

回复 xw peng:


Viki Shi:

回复 xw peng:


wenzhong shen:

你好,我用的破解版 ,在原版的基础上写入注册号。感觉最省事,最可靠的破解方法。具体方法,直接去IAR官网下载正版V8.30,安装完后打补丁,补丁见附件。选择8051的文件夹

ke fan:

回复 wenzhong shen:

运行时有一窗口要提取“IAR Library Source for 8051”, 点击“Yes” 后出现错误:


Failed to extract the package.The license for "8051.EW.LIBSRC" "1.02" did not have a value for the varaible "PASS".Press enter to continue

wenzhong shen:

回复 ke fan:

这个破解包是已提取验证值之后的,已经绕过了验证这一步,所以你点击NO。重启IAR,点击help——license manager,看是不是这样,如果这样 恭喜你 使用正版。

Hui Chen4:

回复 wenzhong shen:

wenzhong shen

   你好,我按照你说的方式破解,用 8.30 打开 1.40协议栈的例程编译,出现如下问题:

   打开 1.3.2 协议栈例程也是如此问题,但是  用8.10 就没有:


Building configuration: SimpleBLEPeripheral – CC2541 Updating build tree… Linking Error[e16]: Segment ISTACK (size: 0xc0 align: 0) is too long for segment definition. At least 0xe more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the segment placement command "-Z(IDATA)ISTACK+_IDATA_STACK_SIZE#08-_IDATA_END", where at the moment of placement the available memory ranges were "IDATA:4e-ff" Reserved ranges relevant to this placement: IDATA:8-1f VREG IDATA:21-40 VREG IDATA:41-42 XSP IDATA:43-43 DATA_I IDATA:44-4b DATA_Z IDATA:4c-4d IDATA_Z IDATA:4e-ff ISTACK BIT:0-7 BREG BIT:80-97 SFR_AN BIT:a0-af SFR_AN BIT:b8-c7 SFR_AN BIT:e8-ef SFR_AN BIT:f8-ff SFR_AN Error while running Linker Total number of errors: 1 Total number of warnings: 0

ke fan:

回复 wenzhong shen:

 The license for "8051.EW.LIBSRC" "1.02" did not have a value for the varaible "PASS".

   应该是  license 内容不完整,导致一个库的源码不能提取,调试的时候看不到库的C语言源代码。


ke fan:

回复 Hui Chen4:


Linking Error[e16]: Segment ISTACK (size: 0xc0 align: 0) is too long for segment definition. At least 0xe more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the segment placement command "-Z(IDATA)ISTACK+_IDATA_STACK_SIZE#_IDATA_BEG-_IDATA_END", where at the moment of placement the available memory ranges were "IDATA:4e-ff" Reserved ranges relevant to this placement: IDATA:a-1f VREG IDATA:21-40 VREG IDATA:41-42 XSP IDATA:43-43 DATA_I IDATA:44-4b DATA_Z IDATA:4c-4d IDATA_Z IDATA:4e-ff ISTACK BIT:0-7 BREG BIT:80-97 SFR_AN BIT:a0-af SFR_AN BIT:b8-c7 SFR_AN BIT:f8-ff SFR_AN Error while running Linker Total number of errors: 1


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