没有连接jtag 看过示波器,tms,tck 波形稳定,调用 HAL_SYSTEM_RESET() 会死机
Viki Shi:
// Perform the equivalent of a PIN Reset (hard reset).
// The cc26xx system has not been design to handle soft reset.
// Making a soft reset can make the system unstable.
// All soft reset needs to be replace by Hard reset.#define HAL_SYSTEM_RESET()(HWREG( AON_SYSCTL_BASE + AON_SYSCTL_O_RESETCTL ) |= AON_SYSCTL_RESETCTL_SYSRESET_M);
kurj h:
回复 Viki Shi:
Perform the equivalent of a PIN Reset (hard reset).这不是等效硬复位么
Susan Yang:
回复 kurj h:
kurj h:
回复 Susan Yang: