
CC2630 ADC的分辨率怎么改?

TI工程师,请问CC2630 ADC的分辨率怎么修改,我在库函数中没有找到,ADC分辨率相关的接口

Viki Shi:

下载TI RTOS,里面有ADC的例程

Alvin Chen:

回复 Viki Shi:

The ADC is a 12-bit, 200-ksamples/s ADC with 8 inputs and a built-in voltage reference. The ADC
can be triggered by many different sources including timers, I/O pins, software, the analog
comparator, and the RTC.
An ADC is a peripheral that converts a continuous analog voltage to a discrete digital number. The
ADC module features 12-bit conversion resolution and supports eight in

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