Local\Temp\0118811", ERROR! at line 751: [E5369]
Due to FPU pipeline restriction this instruction is illegal in the 4
delay slots of MOV32 R0H,ACC
I16TOF32 R1H,*+XAR3[AR0] ; |398|
4 Assembly Errors, No Assembly Warnings
Errors in Source – Assembler Aborted
Seven Han:
Local\Temp\0118811", ERROR! at line 751: [E5369]
Due to FPU pipeline restriction this instruction is illegal in the 4
delay slots of MOV32 R0H,ACC
I16TOF32 R1H,*+XAR3[AR0] ; |398|
4 Assembly Errors, No Assembly Warnings
Errors in Source – Assembler Aborted
xb p:
回复 Seven Han: