
关于CC2640r2f 硬件spi出错的问题






Viki Shi:

That message is not an error message. The debugger is telling you that the target is halted at a program address where there is no source code correlation. It could mean one of two things:

1) You are halted in valid code with no symbols loaded for it. This can happen if your project includes a library that has been stripped of all debug symbols. So if you are halted in this library code, you will not have any debug information

2) You are halted at at an address where this is no actual code. This can happen if your code "runs off into the weeds" – basically your code hit some strange exception and jumped to an address that it should not. It could be a stack overflow/corruption, some other memory corruption, some interrupt triggered, etc. In any case, this is typically not a tools (CCS) issue but something specific to the device or program that needs to be debugged

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