Alvin Chen:
你打开的是什么工程,以及你的IAR是否为no limit license?
回复 Alvin Chen:
Alvin Chen:
回复 296986080:
Similar to the BLE-Stack SDK, the examples in this repository support the IAR and CCS toolchains. Please pay careful attention to versions of these tools, the supported version are listed below. Using a non supported version is untested and may result in unexpected behavior.
IAR for ARM v7.70.2
CCS v6.2.0 with TI ARM Compiler v5.2.6
TI ARM Compiler is no longer installed by default in CCS v6.2.0. For instructions on installing TI ARM Compiler v5.2.6, please refer to the Installing a Specific TI ARM Compiler of the TI BLE Software Developer's Guide.For more information on toolchain setup, please refer to our FAQ page.