//! Define a queue
//! \param dataQueue is a pointer to the queue to use
//! \param buf is the prealocated byte buffer to use
//! \param buf_len is the number of preallocated bytes
//! \param numEntries are the number of dataEntries to split the buffer into
//! \param length is the length of data in every dataEntry
//! \return uint8_t
RFQueue_defineQueue(dataQueue_t *dataQueue, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t buf_len, uint8_t numEntries, uint16_t length)
if (buf_len < (numEntries * (length + RF_QUEUE_DATA_ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + RF_QUEUE_QUEUE_ALIGN_PADDING(length))))
/* queue does not fit into buffer */
return (1);
/* Padding needed for 4-byte alignment? */
uint8_t pad = 4-((length + RF_QUEUE_DATA_ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE)%4);
/* Set the Data Entries common configuration */
uint8_t *first_entry = buf;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
buf = first_entry + i * (RF_QUEUE_DATA_ENTRY_HEADER_SIZE + length + pad);
((rfc_dataEntry_t*)buf)->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING; // Pending – starting state
((rfc_dataEntry_t*)buf)->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN; // General Data Entry
((rfc_dataEntry_t*)buf)->config.lenSz = 0; // No length indicator byte in data
((rfc_dataEntry_t*)buf)->length = length; // Total length of data field
((rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t*)buf)->pNextEntry = &(((rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t*)buf)->data)+length+pad;
/* Make circular Last.Next -> First */
((rfc_dataEntry_t*)buf)->pNextEntry = first_entry;
/* Create Data Entry Queue and configure for circular buffer Data Entries */
dataQueue->pCurrEntry = first_entry;
dataQueue->pLastEntry = NULL;
/* Set read pointer to first entry */
readEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t*)first_entry;
return (0);
Susan Yang: