1、我以前使用的simplelink_cc13x0_sdk_1_40_00_10调试CC1310(Launchxl)的NVS功能是正常, 但是在5*5的模块上运行却是异常,请问是什么原因呢?
2、看到最新的库文件tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_21_00_06,却发现里面的NVS操作已经发生的变化,同时在示例里面也没有了NVS的演示代码 ,使用simplelink_cc13x0_sdk_1_40_00_10移植后的,发现NVS根本不能工作。我的代码如下:
/*! * @def CC1310_LAUNCHXL_NVSName * @brief Enum of NVS names */ typedef enum CC1310_LAUNCHXL_NVSName { CC1310_LAUNCHXL_NVSCC26XX0 = 0, CC1310_LAUNCHXL_NVSSPI25X0,
/* * =============================== NVS =============================== */ #include <ti/drivers/NVS.h> #include <ti/drivers/nvs/NVSSPI25X.h> #include <ti/drivers/nvs/NVSCC26XX.h>
#define NVS_REGIONS_BASE 0x1B000 #define SECTORSIZE 0x1000 #define REGIONSIZE (SECTORSIZE * 4) #define VERIFYBUFSIZE 64
static uint8_t verifyBuf[VERIFYBUFSIZE];
/* * Reserve flash sectors for NVS driver use by placing an uninitialized byte * array at the desired flash address. */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__)
/* * Place uninitialized array at NVS_REGIONS_BASE */ #pragma LOCATION(flashBuf, NVS_REGIONS_BASE); #pragma NOINIT(flashBuf); static char flashBuf[SECTORSIZE * 4];
#elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
/* * Place uninitialized array at NVS_REGIONS_BASE */ __no_init static char flashBuf[SECTORSIZE * 4] @ NVS_REGIONS_BASE;
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* * Place the reserved flash buffers in the .nvs section. * The nvs section will be placed at address NVS_REGIONS_BASE by * the gcc linker cmd file. */ __attribute__ ((section (".nvs"))) static char flashBuf[SECTORSIZE * 4];
/* Allocate objects for NVS and NVS SPI */ NVSCC26XX_Object nvsCC26xxObjects[1]; NVSSPI25X_Object nvsSPI25XObjects[1];
/* Hardware attributes for NVS */ const NVSCC26XX_HWAttrs nvsCC26xxHWAttrs[1] = { { .block = (void *)flashBuf, .blockSize = SECTORSIZE * 4, }, };
/* Hardware attributes for NVS SPI */ const NVSSPI25X_HWAttrs nvsSPI25XHWAttrs[1] = { { .regionBaseOffset = 0, .regionSize = SECTORSIZE * 4, .sectorSize = SECTORSIZE, .verifyBuf = verifyBuf, .verifyBufSize = 64, .spiHandle = NULL, .spiIndex = 0, .spiBitRate = 4000000, // .*** = CC1310_LAUNCHXL_GPIO_SPI_FLASH_CS, }, };
/* NVS Region index 0 and 1 refer to NVS and NVS SPI respectively */ const NVS_Config NVS_config[CC1310_LAUNCHXL_NVSCOUNT] = { { .fxnTablePtr = &NVSCC26XX_fxnTable, .object = &nvsCC26xxObjects[0], .hwAttrs = &nvsCC26xxHWAttrs[0], }, { .fxnTablePtr = NULL, .object = &nvsSPI25XObjects[0], .hwAttrs = &nvsSPI25XHWAttrs[0], }, };
const uint_least8_t NVS_count = CC1310_LAUNCHXL_NVSCOUNT;
void NvsThread(void) { NVS_Handle nvsHandle; NVS_Attrs regionAttrs; NVS_Params nvsParams;
NVS_Params_init(&nvsParams); nvsHandle = NVS_open(Board_NVS0, &nvsParams);
if (nvsHandle == NULL) { // Display_printf(displayHandle, 0, 0, "NVS_open() failed.");
return ; }
NVS_getAttrs(nvsHandle, ®ionAttrs);
/* Print NVS region details */ /* Display_printf(displayHandle, 0, 0, "Region Base Address: 0x%x", regionAttrs.regionBase); Display_printf(displayHandle, 0, 0, "Sector Size: 0x%x", regionAttrs.sectorSize); Display_printf(displayHandle, 0, 0, "Region Size: 0x%x\n", regionAttrs.regionSize); */ NVS_read(nvsHandle, 0, (void *) buf, sizeof(signature));
/* Determine if flash contains signature string */ if (strcmp((char *) buf, (char *) signature) == 0) {
/* Erase the entire flash region */ NVS_erase(nvsHandle);//, 0, regionAttrs.blockSize); NVS_write(nvsHandle, 0, (void *) signature, sizeof(signature), NVS_WRITE_ERASE | NVS_WRITE_VALIDATE);// NVS_WRITE_POST_VERIFY); } else { // Display_printf(displayHandle, 0, 0, "Writing signature to flash…");
/* Write signature to memory */ NVS_write(nvsHandle, 0, (void *) signature, sizeof(signature), NVS_WRITE_ERASE | NVS_WRITE_VALIDATE);// NVS_WRITE_POST_VERIFY); }
NVS_read(nvsHandle, 0, (void *) buf, sizeof(signature));
return ; }
Viki Shi:
最新的 CC1310SDK里面有NVS的内容,建议参考。下载地址: www.ti.com.cn/…/simplelink-cc13x0-sdk