

在CC113L的SYNC1,SYNC0寄存器写入两个字节的同步字,  MDMCFG2的SYNC_MODE设为001(15/16 sync word bits detected), IOCFG0设为0x06;

发送方的前导码是0xaa,0xaa,0xaa, 那么是否CC113L收到的同步字与SYNC1,SYNC0的设置值相符时,GDO0向MCU发出信号?

Felix ZF:



Byte synchronization is achieved by a continuous sync word search. The sync word is a 16 bitconfigurable field (can be repeated to get a 32 bit) that must be inserted at the start of the packet by thetransmitter (for example the CC115L, CC110L, or CC1101). The MSB in the sync word must betransmitted first. The demodulator uses this field to find the byte boundaries in the stream of bits. The syncword will also function as a system identifier, since only packets with the correct predefined sync word willbe received if the sync word detection in RX is enabled in register MDMCFG2 (see Section 5.12.1). Thesync word detector correlates against the user-configured 16 or 32 bit sync word. The correlationthreshold can be set to 15/16, 16/16, or 30/32 bits match. The sync word can be further qualified using thepreamble quality indicator mechanism described below and/or a carrier sense condition. The sync word isconfigured through the SYNC1 and SYNC0 registers.

Felix ZF:


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