windows中在shell下 将路径切换到 smartRFProgConsole.exe 所在路径下
1》命令 .\SmartRFProgConsole.exe 得出命令行操作文件 如下:
Texas Instruments SmartRF Flash Programmer v1.13.7-no-mfc --------------------------------------------------------- SmartRFProgConsole [Target][Actions][File][Interface Slow][Change / IEEE address][Flash lock][Bootloader ID] The order of the parameters is irrelevant. Target: [S][AU][AS][B] SSystem-on-Chip (programmed via USB)Type S(n), where n is the board ID number, to select a specific EB.Otherwise, if there are multiple boards, the one to be programmed will beselected at random. AUEB application (programmed via USB)Type AU(n), where n is the board ID number, to select a specific EB.Otherwise, if there are multiple boards, the one to be programmed will beselected at random. AS(n) EB application (programmed via the EC2 adapter on serial port COMn).(only SmartRF04EB) B(n) EB bootloader (programmed via the EC2 adapter on serial port COMn).(only SmartRF04EB) Actions to perform: [P][EP][EPV][EPVC][PV][PVC][V][R][RP][EP][WP][CE] PProgram(all targets) EPErase and program(all targets) EPVErase, program and verify(all targets) EPVC Erase, program and verify (CRC each page=>faster)(only target S) PVProgram (append) and verify(only target S) PVCProgram and verify (CRC each page=>faster)(only target S) VVerify against hex or hem file(targets S, AS, B) VCVerify against hex or hem file (CRC each page=>faster) (targets S, AS, B) RRead into hex file(only target S) RP=Read flash page into binary file(only target S) EP=Erase flash page(only target S) WP=Write flash page from binary file(only target S) EWP= Erase and Write flash page from binary file(only target S) CEFull chip erase(only target S) File: F="f" "f"Flash image file name (intel hex file (*.hex), or hex merge file (*.hem))A merge file can contain one or more file/change specifications.See "example.hem" for how to create one. Interface Slow(Target = S): [IS] ISProgram SoC (System on chip) with reduced speed on the debug interface. Change hex file before programming (e.g. for serial number): [A=a,D=d][EKF="f"] A=a,D=dChange one or more bytes in the hex file before downloading it. aHexadecimal address (e.g. 2C03, 01BC25) dOne or more bytes to be changed, in hexadecimal format, separated withdots (e.g. 4B, 1.2.3.A.B.C, 12.34.56.AB.CD.EF or 12.3.AB) EKFPatch hex file with Encryption Key data. "f"Certificate file from Certicom with encryption key data. IEEE MAC address related options [KI(F=f)] [RI(F=f,[PRI][SEC])] [WI(F=f,I=i)] (only CC243x, CC253x and CC254x) KI(F=f)Keep the IEEE MAC address currently on the chip when programming it RI(F=f,[PRI][SEC]) Read out the IEEE MAC address currently on the chipFor devices with both a primary and a secondary address, the option "PRI"or "SEC" can be used to specify which to read. "PRI" is default. WI(F=f,I=i) Write the given IEEE MAC address to the chip when programming it fThe chip's flash size in kB (only used for CC243x)CC243x: 32, 64, or 128 (determines the location of the IEEE address)CC253x, CC254x: set to 0(not used) iIEEE MAC address to write in hexadecimal format, separatedwith dots (e.g. 00.12.4B. bytes for CC243x and CC253x, and 6 bytes for CC254x. Flash lock (Target = S): [L(c)][LB(c)][LD(c)][LA(c)][LP(x-y)][LD][LPD(x-y)] "L(c), LB(c), LD(c), LA(c)" only CC243x, cc111x and CC251x. "LP(x-y), LD, LPD(x-y)" only CC253x and CC254x cCode for write protection of the upper section of the flash:CC111x, CC251x: 0=All, 1=24 kB, 16 kB, 8 kB, 4 kB, 2 kB, 1 kB, 7=NoneCC2430, CC2431: 0=All, 1=64 kB, 32 kB, 16 kB, 8 kB, 4 kB, 2 kB, 7=None L(c)Write protect section only (L(7) is equal to omitting this parameter) LB(c)Write protect section + boot block LD(c)Write protect section, and block debug commands LA(c)Write protect section + boot block, and block debug commands LP(x-y) Write protect flash pages from page x to page y.Several ranges can be given separated with a comma:E.g. LP(0-26,48-126), LP(0,1,2,8-10). LDBlock debug commands LPD(x-y) Write protect flash pages and block debug commands. Bootloader ID (Target = B): I=i iBecomes the EB ID number when programming new bootloader. Use 1-4 digits(e.g. 0123, 3, or 45). Important: EBs that are used on the same computermust have unique ID numbers! Read/Erase/Write Flash page options: RP=n, EWP=n, WP=n, EP=n nThe Page number Examples: SmartRFProgConsole S EPV F=C:\test.hex A=135,D="1 23 45" SmartRFProgConsole S P F="C:\test.hex" SmartRFProgConsole EPV AU(0123) F=D:\Test.hex SmartRFProgConsole B(1) EPV "F=C:\Filename with spaces.hex" I=1234 SmartRFProgConsole S EP F="C:\Test flash lock.hex" LB(3) SmartRFProgConsole S EP F="C:\Test flash lock.hex" LD SmartRFProgConsole S EP F="C:\Test flash lock.hex" LP(0-126) SmartRFProgConsole S EP F="C:\Test flash lock.hex" LPD(0-126) SmartRFProgConsole S EPV F="C:\test.hex" WI(F=0,I=00.12.4B. SmartRFProgConsole S EPV F="C:\test.hex" KI(F=1) SmartRFProgConsole S EPV F="C:\test.hex" EKF=certificate_example.txt SmartRFProgConsole S PVC F="C:\test.hex" SmartRFProgConsole S RP=1 F="C:\test.bin" SmartRFProgConsole S EP=1 SmartRFProgConsole S WP=1 F="C:\test.bin" SmartRFProgConsole S EWP=1 F="C:\test.bin" To list all connected EBs/programmers (max 64): SmartRFProgConsole X Status messages are printed to stdout, error messages to stderr. Return Codes:0 = Success1 = System error2 = Parameter error3 = Illegal parameter combinations4 = Missing parameters5 = Missing image file or communication error
2》 找出命令含义:
Target: [S][AU][AS][B]
S System-on-Chip (programmed via USB)
Type S(n), where n is the board ID number, to select a specific EB.
Otherwise, if there are multiple boards, the one to be programmed will be
selected at random.
EPV Erase, program and verify (all targets)
File: F="f"
"f" Flash image file name (intel hex file (*.hex), or hex merge file (*.hem))
A merge file can contain one or more file/change specifications.
See "example.hem" for how to create one.
3》 执行命令,确定端口ID
PS E:\firerw\Flash Programmer\bin> .\SmartRFProgConsole.exe X
Texas Instruments SmartRF Flash Programmer v1.13.7-no-mfc
Device:CC Debugger ID:1313 (fwId:05CC, fwRev:0044) Chip:CC2530
1)S 后面不写端口号 –》执行成功
PS E:\firerw\Flash Programmer\bin> .\SmartRFProgConsole.exe S EPV F="D:\Coordinator.hex"
Texas Instruments SmartRF Flash Programmer v1.13.7-no-mfc
1313: Erasing entire flash…
1313: Programming flash………………………………………………………………
1313: Verifying flash (bytewise check)………………………………………………………..
1313: Erase, program and verify OK
2)S 后面写端口号 写错也能执行
PS E:\firerw\Flash Programmer\bin> .\SmartRFProgConsole.exe S=1313 EPV F="D:\Coordinator.hex"
Texas Instruments SmartRF Flash Programmer v1.13.7-no-mfc
1313: Erasing entire flash…
1313: Programming flash………………………………………………………………
1313: Verifying flash (bytewise check)………………………………………………………..
1313: Erase, program and verify OK
PS E:\firerw\Flash Programmer\bin> .\SmartRFProgConsole.exe S=1003 EPV F="D:\Coordinator.hex"
Texas Instruments SmartRF Flash Programmer v1.13.7-no-mfc
1313: Erasing entire flash…
1313: Programming flash………………………………………………………………
1313: Verifying flash (bytewise check)………………………………………………………..
1313: Erase, program and verify OK
回复 Viki Shi:
回复 Viki Shi:
是的 难道只有一个设备链接的时候端口ID 是随机识别的吗