CC1310 HSM模式传输距离有多少,为什么我测试超过一米左右误码率已经达到50%左右,请问这个HSM模式可以商用吗,还是目前处于研发阶段,还有我用Errorate测试速率只达到2Mbps+
Viki Shi:
Packet Error Rate Example Application The Packet Error Rate (PER) example showcases different RF transfer modes of the CC13xx and CC2640R2. It combines tasks, events and several peripherals to a platform- independent application and runs on all CC13xx and CC2640R2 launchpads as well as the CC1310EM/SmartRF06. Test cases are provided for the following RF modes: Custom: Custom settings to be exported from SmartRF Studio to the smartrf_settings.c file 2-GFSK: Generic frequency shift keying with binary symbols, 50 kBit/s for all launchpads, 250 KBits/s for the CC2640R2 LR Mode: Legacy Long Range (625 bps) OOK: On-off keying HS Mode: High-speed mode with up to 4 MBit/s SL LR: SimpleLink Long Rang (5 kbps) BLE: Bluetooth Low Energy (CC135X, CC2640R2 only) BLE5: Bluetooth Low Energy 5 (CC1352, CC2640R2 only)
回复 Viki Shi:
Viki Shi:
回复 user5855964: