1)在使用CC1310 TI 15.4Stack 的Sensor 和 Collector例程时,可不可以修改 RF 的底层配置参数?譬如: 波特率, RF的调制方式, 同步字,前导码,接收带宽等,如果可以,怎么修改呢 ?
2)我公司制作的一批CC1310样板,采用Smart RF Studio 7 进行发送868MHz的载波测试,检测出实际载波的频率为867.98MHz ~868.04MHz之间。
请问:CC1310是否可以通过软件的方式对频率进行微调 (可以根据此,解决每块板子上的因晶振等元器件的误差引起的不一致问题)?怎么解决?
Susan Yang:
您可以用smartRF sudio进行设置,之后导出配置,替换例程里面的RF_setting
Susan Yang:
Selecting the right PHY
The regulations in different parts of the world require the use of different frequency bands:
915 MHz in the US
868 MHz in Europe
433 MHz in ChinaFor each of the frequency bands above, TI 15.4-Stack provides selection between two operation modes:
A faster default mode (50kbps data rate)
LRM – long-range mode (5kbps data rate over a longer range)You are responsible to select the right PHY, according to the region of operation and the desired range. This is done by modifying the value of CONFIG_PHY_ID (defined in config.h) with one of the supported values from api_mac.h (see code snippets below).
For this lab, please select the faster mode (50kbps) of the required frequency band. After finishing the official lab content, you may also experiment with Long Range mode (LRM).
/*! Setting for Phy ID */
Example from config.h: by default, the US-compatible PHY is selected/*! PHY IDs – 915MHz US Frequency band operating mode # 1 */
#define APIMAC_STD_US_915_PHY_11
/*! 863MHz ETSI Frequency band operating mode #1 */
#define APIMAC_STD_ETSI_863_PHY_33
/*! 433MHz China Frequency band operating mode #1 */
#define APIMAC_GENERIC_CHINA_433_PHY_128128
/*! PHY IDs – 915MHz LRM US Frequency band operating mode # 1 */
#define APIMAC_GENERIC_US_LRM_915_PHY_129129
/*! 433MHz China LRM Frequency band operating mode #1 */
/*! 863MHz ETSI LRM Frequency band operating mode #1 */
#define APIMAC_GENERIC_ETSI_LRM_863_PHY_131131
/*! PHY IDs – 915MHz US Frequency band operating mode # 3 */
#define APIMAC_GENERIC_US_915_PHY_132132
/*! 863MHz ETSI Frequency band operating mode #2 */
#define APIMAC_GENERIC_ETSI_863_PHY_133133The available PHY options are defined in api_mac.h. Note that the 868 MHz Band in the code is referred to as 863 MHz, named after the lowest supported frequency rather than the band's middle frequency.
fangjian zhang:
回复 Susan Yang:
谢谢, 是替换例程文件“mac_settings.c” 中定义的各种操作命令的全局变量的初始值吗? 但是,我根据手册发现,在mac_settings.c文件的各种操作命令的全局变量初始值与实际不符。譬如: 我在config.h 文件中选择的 “#define CONFIG_PHY_ID(APIMAC_STD_ETSI_863_PHY_3)”, 但是在mac_settings.c文件的RF_cmdPropRadioDivSetup 命令变量中初始值依然是915MHz,给我的感觉,这些RF操作命令的参数配置是协议已经固定了,不可修改。只能在config.h 文件和features.h 文件中,对给出的几个宏参数进行选择,是不是这样的?
fangjian zhang:
回复 Susan Yang:
还有第二个一致性的问题, 生产一批CC1310的板子,因为晶振、电容等元器件的误差,以868MHz的频率发送载波, 实际为868.034MHz附近,偏差34KHz,是否可以通过软件的方式微调到868MHz附近呢?
Susan Yang:
回复 fangjian zhang:
It is not possible to change the data rate and RF settings in TI-15.4Stack. If you require custom phy setting (not complaint with 802.15.4g setting used by TI15.4-Stack) then you should use the Proprietor RF example, which allow you to export directly from SmartRf Studio.
Felix ZF:
回复 fangjian zhang:
TI-15.4 stack里的射频相关设置只能从下图中选择
回复 Felix ZF:
意思就是STACK下 smartrf studio调频没多大用?