
CC1310simulation uart

  I want to receive 1024 bytes of data with the analog serial port, but I can't get it right now.I don't know if the chip itself supports it or if it's a problem with my own application itself.

 The simulation of the serial port configuration is generated by an official piece of software, but in my software, RX can only write 254 bytes at most.

Susan Yang:

“official piece of software”?

请问您现在使用的是具体哪个软件呢? 能否请您详细说明一下现在的情况?硬件是自己设计的还是TI开发板?使用的是CCS配合TI例程还是您自己的程序?


Viki Shi:


guoli si:

I see that in the project configuration, there are two receive modes, one of which USES a single byte to receive, but when I run the code, it gets stuck in the function uint16_t scifUartRxGetChar(void); Another way is to receive a fixed number of bytes. If I send the number of bytes to CC1310 through the computer is greater than the fixed value set, it will appear that only the previous part of the data is received, and the subsequent data cannot be received.
The program received processing, processing in the while (1) loop, a frame of data is not fully received, should not exit the processing function, but I read through the processing, can not be repeated loop receive, directly cleared the task processing.

guoli si:

回复 Susan Yang:


guoli si:

回复 Susan Yang:

guoli si:

回复 Susan Yang:

Viki Shi:

回复 guoli si:

1、首先,请问你的数据包长度是否固定?长度大小可以通过UART buffer去设置,如果固定,可以改为应用需要的长度
2、假如不固定,可以定义一个足够大的buffer,然后return mode改为- #UART_RETURN_NEWLINE
*Options for the readReturnMode parameter are #UART_RETURN_FULL and
*- #UART_RETURN_FULL:The read action unblocks or returns when the bufferis full.
*- #UART_RETURN_NEWLINE:The read action unblocks or returns when anewline character is read, before the buffer is full.

guoli si:

回复 Viki Shi:


guoli si:

回复 Viki Shi:


Viki Shi:

回复 guoli si:


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