
Zigbee Light Link HA Coordinator Lighting Gateway

There are 2 reasons someone would want to create a ZLL Host:

  • A portable high end ZLL Remote.
  • A fixed ZLL Controller.

The the ZStack-lighting-1.0.1 Host interface was implemented for a ZLL Remote, with high end remotes in mind, so implementing a ZLL Host controller using the ZStack-Lighting-1.0.1 Remote Sample Application has some limitations that need to be highlighted.

  • The ZLL Remote Sample Application is only implemented as an End Device, as such it can not create a network or act as a Router.
  • The ZLL Remote Sample Application must TouchLink with Lights in order to ascertain there network address and endpoint, which is needed for controlling them. This requires a proximity based touchlink with all the lights on the network.

For customers not developing a high end ZLL Remote, but instead developing a Fixed ZLL Controller Device these limitations are not acceptable and can be over come in the following ways:

  • Using a HA Coordinator Lighting Gateway (ZLL device are able to join HA networks using classical commissioning). This has been done in this wiki page http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/ZigBee_Lighting_Gateway. This wiki supplies:
    • CC2530 HA Coordinator FW that implements device discovery and the ZStack-lighting-1.0.1 Host Interface
    • Host Linux  ZigBee Gateway Server SW
    • Cloud Server Connection for control of Lights
    • Android Application for control of Lights and binding to HA lighting control devices (HA Switches and Occupancy Sensors).


  • Create a ZLL Control Bridge application in ZStack-Lighting-1.0.1. This will be addressed in future releases of ZStack-Lighting.

if I want to control the light from my cellphone,  do I have to use the  HA Coordinator Lighting Gateway instead of a remote of CC2531 USB? I am sincerely expecting your detiled answer.Thanks! 


主要看你的硬件是不是支持zigBee ZLL,HA这些标准协议就可以了,那么对于CC2530,CC2531都可以的。


1) Gateway:WIFI chip,ZigBee chip, Zigbee chip里面程序是ZLL remote的程序。 light里面的程序是ZLL light程序

2)Gateway:WiFI chip,ZigBee chip,ZigBee chip里面程序是Home automation 程序。light里面的程序是ZLL light程序


Jason hu1:

回复 VV:




回复 Jason hu1:

 关于ZLL的gateway http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/ZigBee_Lighting_Gateway

关于HA的gateway 过段时间会在协议栈上加进去,请关注TI Z-Stck Home的更新

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