IAR编译器,用的最新的TIMAC协议栈,在icf文件中定义define symbol RAM_END = 0x200027FF; 没有ICALL_RAM0_ADDR定义,我现在想增大可用RAM,ICALL_RAM0_ADDR这个值可以自己修改吗,改这个值有什么注意事项,最大不能超过多少。
Susan Yang:
Here are a few things you need to know:
If you move the BLE stack, you have to change the locations in both the stack and your application. That also means that you need to re-flash the stack to make sure it's properly located in memory and then re-flash your application.
If you use SYSBIOS in ROM, there is RAM allocated for those functions (you should see this in your cmd file of the application and there are defines in your project). So if you move ICALL_RAM0_ADDR to the end of the RAM address, make sure you don't overlap with the SYSBIOS RAM.
The RAM needs to be aligned with a 32-bit word.
The Flash needs to be aligned with a page (4096bytes or multiples of 0x1000)
You need to leave the last page for CCFG
You need to leave 1 or 2 pages for SNV (depending on your SNV configuration)您可以参考E2E上的相关回答