// This is an index into table Requested Timeout Enumerated Values.
// It is used by the parent router, it indicates the default timeout value
// for any end device that does not negotiate a different timeout value
uint8 zgNwkEndDeviceTimeoutDefault = NWK_END_DEV_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
//========== Child Aging END DEVICE configuration ===============
// Values used by End Device when sending End Device Timeout Request
uint8 zgEndDeviceTimeoutValue = END_DEV_TIMEOUT_VALUE;
uint8 zgEndDeviceConfiguration = END_DEV_CONFIGURATION;
请问zgNwkEndDeviceTimeoutDefault 所指的时间枚举表是哪个,这个变量的含义是什么,如果EndDevice没有开启childaging,而在路由开启了,路由会把zgNwkEndDeviceTimeoutDefault 时间认为是没有收到data request的超时时间吗
// 10, // 0 10 seconds
// 2, // 1 2 minutes
// 4, // 2 4 minutes
// 8, // 3 8 minutes
// 16, // 4 16 minutes
// 32, // 5 32 minutes
// 64, // 6 64 minutes
// 128, // 7 128 minutes
// 256, // 8 256 minutes
// 512, // 9 512 minutes
// 1024, // 10 1024 minutes
// 2048, // 11 2048 minutes
// 4096, // 12 4096 minutes
// 8192, // 13 8192 minutes
// 16384 // 14 16384 minutes
Susan Yang:
如果使能了zgChildAgingEnable功能,那么End Device在入网成功以后,会通过Device Announce把Timeout相关的信息发给父设备。ZDApp_AnnounceNewAddress( void )里的NLME_SendEndDevTimeoutReq。
这个函数中会把下面两个变量的信息发送给父设备,也就是说不同的节点可以配置不同的timeout时间,主要也是根据节点的Data request来决定的。
uint8 zgEndDeviceTimeoutValue = END_DEV_TIMEOUT_VALUE;uint8 zgEndDeviceConfiguration = END_DEV_CONFIGURATION;
NLME_ProcessEndDevTimeoutReq( NLDE_FrameFormat_t *ff )
typedef struct{uint16 shortAddr; // Short address of associated deviceuint16 addrIdx; // Index from the address managerbyte nodeRelation;byte devStatus; // bitmap of various status valuesbyte assocCnt;byte age;linkInfo_t linkInfo;aging_end_device_t endDev;uint32 timeoutCounter;bool keepaliveRcv;} associated_devices_t;
Jian Wang32:
回复 Susan Yang:
为什么我的父设备使能了childagine,EndDevice也使能了childaging,设置超时时间为4m的时候,超时时间收到datarequest、却没有更新,在4分钟后仍然会丢失子设备,发送routerequest,这4分钟之内EndDevice是一直在发data request的
guangpeng lao:
回复 Jian Wang32:
回复 guangpeng lao:
如果是希望通过Data Request来实现child aging的功能的话需要修改下面的代码
//======= Child Aging PARENT ROUTER (ZR/ZC) configuration ========// You can setup a router to support Child Table Aging in 1 of 2 modes of// operation. The first mode is NWK_PARENT_INFO_ORPHAN_NOTIFICATION and it// expects end devices to use orphan scan periodically as a means of a keep-alive// notification to the parent. The other mode is NWK_PARENT_INFO_MAC_DATA_POLL// which uses the end device's MAC POLL request as the keep-alive notification.// The first method is preferred for new devices, where the end devices provide// support for it (which will be manditory in future Zigbee Home Automation// Specifications).// The second method is compatible with older end devices without the need for// specific child aging support.//// The method supported by the router (or coordinator) is determined at build time// by setting zgNwkParentInformation to either NWK_PARENT_INFO_ORPHAN_NOTIFICATION// or NWK_PARENT_INFO_MAC_DATA_POLL.//// End device built with Child Table Aging support both methods, the method is// determined by the parent and communicated at run-time.#if ( ZG_BUILD_ENDDEVICE_TYPE )uint8 zgNwkParentInformation = NWK_PARENT_INFO_UNDEFINED;#elseuint8 zgNwkParentInformation = NWK_PARENT_INFO_ORPHAN_NOTIFICATION;#endif