void ZDO_ProcessDeviceAnnce( zdoIncomingMsg_t *inMsg )中的一段代码:
if ( ZSTACK_ROUTER_BUILD ){// If the device annce comes from a end device child that has moved// to another parent, remove it from associated device list// If the dev annce is coming from other device's children,// (The dev annce from its own children shall be unicast to itself,// So check the mac destination address)// Remove it from the associated device list. If it is not// a child, no action will be taken in AssocRemove() anyway.if ( inMsg->macDestAddr != NLME_GetShortAddr() ){associated_devices_t *dev_ptr;// If it's an end device childdev_ptr = AssocGetWithExt( Annce.extAddr );if ( dev_ptr ){if ( dev_ptr->nodeRelation == CHILD_RFD ||dev_ptr->nodeRelation == CHILD_RFD_RX_IDLE ){AssocRemove( Annce.extAddr );}}// Remove the address from the SrcMatch table,// just in case the device was aged out by Child Management Table processif ( ( pNwkNotMyChildListDelete != NULL ) &&( zgChildAgingEnable == TRUE ) ){pNwkNotMyChildListDelete( Annce.nwkAddr );}}}
// (The dev annce from its own children shall be unicast to itself,
// So check the mac destination address)
抓包发现Device Announce都是广播的,那么AssocRemove( Annce.extAddr );将会执行,即删除关联表。
YiKai Chen:
照Zigbee spec、device Announce 就是广播、沒看過单播
Alvin Chen:
Zigbee spec 规定device Announce 为广播