
CC2652 zigbee RTC

请问在Ti-RTOS 里有相关RTC的API吗,或者zigbee协议栈有相关RTC协议栈的API吗?




Viki Shi:



回复 Alvin Chen:

在API里没有看到设置系统时间为年 月日的函数啊?


回复 Alvin Chen:

zigbee 怎样发送UTC的命令函数?

Alvin Chen:

回复 user5325333:

/** Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated* All rights reserved.** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions* are met:** *Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright*notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.** *Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright*notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the*documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.** *Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of*its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived*from this software without specific prior written permission.** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"* AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,* THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR* PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR* CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,* EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,* PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS;* OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,* WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR* OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE,* EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.*//**======== bigtime.cpp ========*//* XDC module Headers */
#include <xdc/std.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/Diags.h>
#include <xdc/runtime/System.h>/* BIOS module Headers */
#include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Semaphore.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Task.h>
#include <ti/sysbios/knl/Clock.h>/* Example/Board Header files */
#include "Board.h"#define TASKSTACKSIZE512class Clock {private:// dataint id;double ticks;int microsecond;int millisecond;int second;int minute;int hour;int day;int month;int year;int century;int millenium;Diags_Mask clockLog;public:// methodsClock(int newId);// Constructor~Clock();// Destructorvoid tick();long getTicks();int getId();int getMicrosecond();int getMillisecond();int getSecond();int getMinute();int getHour();int getDay();int getMonth();int getYear();int getCentury();int getMillenium();void setMicrosecond();void setMillisecond();void setMillisecond(int nMilliseconds);void setSecond();void setMinute();void setHour();void setDay();void setMonth();void setYear();void setCentury();void setMillenium();
};const char *months[12] = { "January", "February", "March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October", "November", "December" };/** Extern "C" block to prevent name mangling* of functions called within the Configuration* Tool*/
extern "C" {/* Wrapper function to terminate the example */
void clockTerminate(UArg arg);/* Wrapper functions to call Clock::tick() */
void clockTask(UArg arg);
void clockPrd(UArg arg);
void clockIdle(void);} // end extern "C"/* Global clock objects */
Clock cl0(0);/* idle loop clock */
Clock cl1(1);/* periodic clock, period = 1 ms */
Clock cl2(2);/* periodic clock, period = 1 sec */
Clock cl3(3);/* task clock */
Clock cl4(4);/* task clock */Task_Struct task0Struct, task1Struct;
Char task0Stack[TASKSTACKSIZE], task1Stack[TASKSTACKSIZE];
Semaphore_Struct sem0Struct, sem1Struct;
Semaphore_Handle sem0Handle, sem1Handle;
Clock_Struct clk0Struct, clk1Struct;/**======== main ========*/
int main()
{/* Construct BIOS objects */Task_Params taskParams;Semaphore_Params semParams;Clock_Params clkParams;/* Construct clock Task thread */Task_Params_init(&taskParams);taskParams.arg0 = (UArg)&cl3;taskParams.stackSize = TASKSTACKSIZE;taskParams.stack = &task0Stack;Task_construct(&task0Struct, (Task_FuncPtr)clockTask, &taskParams, NULL);taskParams.stack = &task1Stack;taskParams.arg0 = (UArg)&cl4;Task_construct(&task1Struct, (Task_FuncPtr)clockTask, &taskParams, NULL);/* Construct Semaphores for clock thread to pend on, initial count 1 */Semaphore_Params_init(&semParams);Semaphore_construct(&sem0Struct, 1, &semParams);/* Re-use default params */Semaphore_construct(&sem1Struct, 1, &semParams);/* Obtain instance handles */sem0Handle = Semaphore_Handle(&sem0Struct);sem1Handle = Semaphore_Handle(&sem1Struct);Clock_Params_init(&clkParams);clkParams.period = 100;clkParams.startFlag = true;clkParams.arg = (UArg)&cl1;Clock_construct(&clk0Struct, (Clock_FuncPtr)clockPrd,1, &clkParams);clkParams.period = 1000;clkParams.startFlag = true;clkParams.arg = (UArg)&cl2;Clock_construct(&clk1Struct, (Clock_FuncPtr)clockPrd,1, &clkParams);System_printf("bigTime started.\n");BIOS_start();/* does not return */return(0);
}/**======== clockTerminate ========*This function simply terminates the example*/
void clockTerminate(UArg arg)
{System_printf("bigTime ended.\n");BIOS_exit(0);
}/**======== clockTask ========*Wrapper function for Task objects calling*Clock::tick()*/
void clockTask(UArg arg)
{Clock *clock = (Clock *)arg;int count = 0;if (clock->getId() == 3) {for(;;) {// task id = 3Semaphore_pend(sem0Handle, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER);clock->tick();if(count == 50) {Task_sleep(25);count = 0;}count++;Semaphore_post(sem1Handle);}}else {for(;;) {// task id = 4Semaphore_pend(sem1Handle, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER);if(count == 50) {Task_sleep(25);count = 0;}clock->tick();count++;Semaphore_post(sem0Handle);}}
}/** ======== clockPrd ========* Wrapper function for PRD objects calling* Clock::tick()*/
void clockPrd(UArg arg)
{Clock *clock = (Clock *)arg;clock->tick();return;
}/** ======== clockIdle ========* Wrapper function for IDL objects calling* Clock::tick()* It also calls System_flush() to periodically* print the contents in the SysMin buffer*/
void clockIdle(void)
}/** Clock methods*/
Clock::Clock(int newId)
{id = newId;ticks = 0;microsecond = 0;millisecond = 0;second = 0;minute = 0;hour = 0;day = 19;month = 8;year = 10;century = 20;millenium = 0;
}void Clock::tick()
{ticks++;if (getId() == 1) {System_printf("id %d : %d:%d:%d.%d\n", getId(), hour, minute, second, millisecond / 100);System_printf("id %d : %s %d, %d%d\n", getId(), (IArg)months[month-1], day, century, year);/** id 1 expires every 100 ticks (and each tick is 1 millisecond)*/setMillisecond(100);}if (getId() == 2) {System_printf("id %d : %d:%d:%d\n", getId(), hour, minute, second);System_printf("id %d : %s %d, %d%d\n", getId(), (IArg)months[month-1], day, century, year);/** Change selected function to alter clock rate*/
//setDay();if (ticks == 2) {clockTerminate(0);}}return;
}void Clock::setMicrosecond()
{if (microsecond >= 999) {setMillisecond();microsecond = 0;}else {microsecond++;}return;
}void Clock::setMillisecond()
{if (millisecond >= 999) {setSecond();millisecond = 0;}else {millisecond++;}return;
}void Clock::setMillisecond(int nMilliseconds)
{int secs;millisecond += nMilliseconds;secs = millisecond / 1000;millisecond %= 1000;while (secs--) {setSecond();}return;
}void Clock::setSecond()
{if (second == 59) {setMinute();second = 0;}else {second++;}return;
}void Clock::setMinute()
{if (minute == 59) {setHour();minute = 0;}else {minute++;}return;
}void Clock::setHour()
{if (hour == 23) {setDay();hour = 0;}else {hour++;}return;
}void Clock::setDay()
{bool thirtydays = false;bool feb = false;bool leap = false;if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) {// April, June, September, November.thirtydays = true;}if (month == 2) {// Test for Februaryfeb = true;}/** A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4, but not by 100.** If a year is divisible by 4 and by 100, it is a leap year only* if it is also divisible by 400.*/if ((year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) ||(year%4 == 0 && year%100 == 0 && year%400 == 0)) {leap = true;}if ((day == 28) && (feb) && (!leap)) {setMonth();day = 1;}else if ((day == 29) && (feb) && (leap)) {setMonth();day = 1;}else if ((day == 30) && (thirtydays == true)) {setMonth();day = 1;}else if ((day == 31) && (thirtydays == false)) {setMonth();day = 1;}else {day++;}return;
}void Clock::setMonth()
{if (month >= 12) {setYear();month = 1;}else {month++;}return;
}void Clock::setYear()
{year++;if ((year%100) == 0) {setCentury();}return;
}void Clock::setCentury()
{century++;if ((century%10) == 0) {setMillenium();}return;
}void Clock::setMillenium()
}long Clock::getTicks()
{return ticks;
}int Clock::getId()
{return id;
}int Clock::getMicrosecond()
{return microsecond;
}int Clock::getMillisecond()
{return millisecond;
}int Clock::getSecond()
{return second;
}int Clock::getMinute()
{return minute;
}int Clock::getHour()
{return hour;
}int Clock::getDay()
{return day;
}int Clock::getMonth()
{return month;
}int Clock::getYear()
{return year;
}int Clock::getCentury()
{return century;
}int Clock::getMillenium()
{return millenium;

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